Remember NEJM study (Lin et al.) that showed natural immunity in kids 5-11 years old (North Carolina) was far superior than COVID mRNA Pfizer vaccine immunity against hospitalization (n=890,000 kids)
I will let the graphs do the talking as they are clear as to the enduring SUPERIORTY of naturally acquired immunity in preventing hospitalizations and/or death in children
I credit the following graph (which plots the data succinctly) to:
Taking nothing away from the value and veracity of your post Dr. A, the fact that natural immunity was ever so eagerly and cavalierly dismissed is worthy of a few lines at the very least. Evidently all that was known for umpteen hundreds to thousands of years about adaptive immunity as a primary survival mechanism of our species simply went away, just disappeared (and... it's gone!) along with the flu and reason itself. Gee, I wonder why? Yeah.
Innate immunity for all humans far outweighs anything that vaccines can provide. The only exception might be those with multiple health issues where the body is fighting an internal battle and immunity may be weakened.
Big pharma is so gutless and heartless because they have never done any studies that prove vaccines work as they claim. They are extremely frightened of what the results would show.