Robert Redfield LIED (former CDC Director under Trump), openly to the American people about the deadly Malone Bourla Bancel Weissman et al. mRNA vaccine; he lied when he said it saved lives like how
Malone lies that it worked; this is why I have been calling for legal hearings for all of these people linked to the fake COVID pandemic & the fraud mRNA vaccine' Redfield best clean that Chris Fredo
statement up for it was a pure lie…to say the vaccine worked to save lives yet is harmful and deadly is the most ludicrous dangerous duplicitous statement ever! We have a tsunami of serious mRNA Malone vaccine disease coming, massive cancers and Redfield will go on media and state this today? Playing a game, wants to straddle for he knows his initial shilling was DOA and wrong and misguided and there was never any evidence it was beneficial, and that the vaccine never worked yet he cannot admit he was wrong, so comes up with this cock and bull shit story that it works but is deadly….how can you have both of these? how can you square this Bob? how can you say this when most people know someone today who got harmed from the shot or died…how? The spike protein (target antigen for our immune systems) vaccine induced remains very inflammatory and toxic, and endothelial pathogen yet you state that?
Can you tell us Dr. Redfield, where is the data, where is the evidence, where is the proof that it worked to save lives? Where? We have auto-immune disease escalating post Malone mRNA vaccine, we have elevating hypertension, swollen hearts, drastic myocarditis, pericarditis, still born children, declining fertility…we have paralysis, we have cognitive disorders, we have so many ill effects, yet you can state this today? This kind of double speak garbage is the type that I know confused POTUS Trump…you people were supposed to guide him and inform him scientifically, yet you play with the facts….
It is indeed incredible that 2 mRNA vaccine shills Redfield and Chris Fredo Cuomo are lying still to the public…does Fredo recall the bullshit he was feeding the nation daily on the lockdowns and vaccine with Don Lemon, arguably 2 of the most ineptest (is that a real word as I wanted to ensure you get how much I think they were very stupid) idiots CNN had as reporters?
You embarrassed yourself and I have supported you and still do like you, I think a misunderstood person, vilified wrongfully in the media, I sensed in our meetings, talks that you wanted to do good by America but was dealing with so much madness inside of CDC and its corrupted MMWR reports, and was weak as CDC top brass were fucking you as the head of CDC, yet you are 100% flat wrong and did a disservice to the American people here…lying about the Malone vaccine.
as 45 would say, shame on you! IMO only Brett Giroir has any credibility from that Task Force. The rest are bullshit clowns and Redfield shocked me here with this obfuscation.
Stay on him Dr Alexander. Red field was on Warroom with SK Bannon, trying to do damage control. He’s lying- choosing his words carefully, but it’s too late. He was pushing the WRONG SIDE! Keep pressing for accountability- we cannot move on until we see a stiff consequence for their deadly actions & words. Stand Strong & accept nothing less!🙏❤️
Good reporting.