Say NO! Tell Redfield fCUk off! With his fear-porn avian bird flu bull, his H5N1, H5N2 fraud! No tests, none, you bitches are creating pandemics with fraud PCR 'process' (false-positive overcycled)
they (Redfield, Birx, Fauci, Gates et al.) want to make big money testing all chickens, birds, cows, & vaccinating them, then humans mRNA shots, its coming! it ain't OVER! OPERATION NORTHWOODS still !
Big big money to be made, people to kill, depopulation to drive, power to gain…Trump to harm, to kill, to imprison, elections coming…elections to steal…all of it, over and over again, borders to flood with illegals, to change America to a shit hole hell hole…
It ain’t over people, the Op continues!
Look, if Couey, Yeadon, Risch, myself, McCullough, Stock, Merritt etc. tell you we have no problem, we have no problem. Follow what we are sharing, if we come and say there is a problem, then we have one.
Today, we have none. Just reasonable commonsense precautions as you conduct daily life, no constraints, as for the common cold, flu etc. You always strongly protect granny. First.
We have never had a pandemic, ‘pandemic’ is a word’, made up…COVID was never a pandemic, ever! all of COVID was a lie, all aspects…deaths did occur but mainly from the Malone Bourla mRNA technology vaccine and the medical management, treatment of innocent people with isolation, sedation (Propofol, midazolam, lorazepam, fentanyl etc.), kidney and liver toxic Remdesivir, deadly ventilator, yes, our doctors and health officials and hospitals killed our loved ones!
These bitches are all about fear and making money and power, for themselves, for their elite type…you think slavery ended? you think there is and was never white Caucasian slavery? you think slavery is only to be put in chains?
The PCR ‘process’ will show all the birds positive (they can make you positive for anything they wish with the PCR process and Redfield, Birx, Fauci et al. know this, they did this in COVID) and they will be killed, culled and this sill damage the food supply. That is the aim.
We have no evidence, none, zero, that any avian bird flu now, H5N1 clade, H5N2, H5N8 etc. are pathological to humans…we have no clear evidence that any avian flu is spreading, jumping (spilling over) to cows, other mammals, no cow to humans, just speculation, and no human-to-human transmission. This is clear and this is the evidence as of today. Pink eye in one person, no lung involvement, no pneumonia, no pathology…this is fear porn by Redfield and the other academically sloppy, intellectually lazy, specious, non-sensical idiots, dimwit dolts, nincompoops…trying to drive fear in you to accept lockdowns and masks and behave irrationally. To take vaccine AGAIN.
Tell him fuck off! Stop this shit Robert, stop it, you are embarrassing yourself. Billions you and Fauci and Birx and WHO and UNAIDS and CDC and NIG and Francis Collins et al. got in HIV research tax-money and you have done shit…NOTHING…just like the cancer research industry…all frauds! In fact, you all killed gay men denying Bactrim (for Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), it is a potentially life-threatening infection that occurs in immunocompromised individuals.) in lieu for toxic AZT.
We have no human instance of mortality/death as to bird flu now, none. The WHO tried to lie and gin up fear recently saying a Mexican man died of H5N2 and Mexico came out quickly telling them, telling the WHO to fuck to hell off and stop deceiving the world.
Now, if these beasts take this no consequence bird flu (that afflicts birds year over year like how you get the cold) and take it to the lab and play with it, they can potentially make it more infectious and lethal. Potentially and still, I am not sure they can do it. But they can use techniques like serial passage etc. and manipulate. So, we must be concerned for there are very dark evil malevolent players in the bio-pharma military industrial complex. So, can they create a more problematic bird flu? Yes! If they make it more lethal, it is a crime against humanity and they must be hung, or put to death by firing squad as we are definitive using proper legal inquiries. These bitches want one thing, that is mass vaccination of you…they are not over, this mRNA vaccine is a bioweapon and IMO could be a binary or tertiary stage weapon…
Again, there could be a change with enhanced spread (infectiousness) and this may involve humans, but the evolutionary depth of ‘time’ needed (Darwinian ‘time’) cannot happen going from birds to human etc., we need thousands of years of time for the molecular evolutionary biological changes to occur. Yes, intermediate hosts can act as ‘mixing vessels’ and there could be ‘re-assortment’ etc. of genetic material yet again, we need ‘time’….deep time. For a pathogen e.g. respiratory, to enter humans and settle down efficiently and transmit efficiently. It just cannot happen as a result of natural spillover natural evolutionary biology FAST. We would need these evil beasts to tamper with it in the lab and they can do that. They can CIRCUMVENT ‘time’.
Fauci et al. have done that for decades. Doing that now! NIAID, I just showed you a report of what Fauci et al. did trying to make monkey pox more lethal and infectious.
So, can they create something bad in the lab with this bird flu? Can they take this that is now no issue for humans and make a problem? Yes, theoretically and conceivably.
They have the expertise and malevolence in them. These are bad bad people. Operating in our midst for decades and Trump has to ensure there are legal consequences now for COVID and all similar. Shut it down!
Why would these fuckers do this? So that they can create a more infectious lethal strain so that they can then offer the antidote to make BIG money…patent their research even though it is your tax-money funding it, so that they the people doing the work and creating the monster pathogen, can offer you an antidote e.g. vaccine, as Malone and Bourla and Weissman and Bancel just did with COVID in Operation Warp Speed.
It is clear, these people doing this lab research seek to harm and kill humans. Trump must put a firm end to this type of research, for good, punishable with death if any researcher or lab engages in this.
Do we do anything today? No. Is bird flu a problem for human? No! Do we take any drugs? No! Any vaccine for this? No! Any lockdown lunatic policies? No!
Nothing. We just do nothing and live life. Stay abreast of the reporting. We think we can shut these beasts down before they can act. Do not fall for Redfield’s fear mongering. We have no evidence in any manner that this or similar is a problem for humans.
At the same time, I am privileged to be supporting The Wellness Company (, a nascent company trying to change healthcare positively, bringing back freedom to the person and offering options. I do this with Drs. Harvey Risch, Peter McCullough, James Thorp, Drew Pinsky, Kelly Victory. This IMO is a good company trying to play a role in improving healthcare and access as it expands its telemedicine components and now opening brick and mortar. TWC offers many supplements and formulas that have been developed by its medical board and there are 4 medical kits that I want to showcase for your consideration for your medicine chest, especially the blue emergency prep kit and the black contagion control kit. Please read the background and consider if you would want these.
Remember, you could not get antibiotics for a range of infections during COVID as the government told you no access, doctors will not prescribe and the pharmacists said NO…so we are thinking that with a prescription package, you can ensure you have for any such emergency in the future. That no bureaucrat, no faceless technocrat, no pharmacist can tell you that you cannot get life-saving prescription regulatory approved safe drugs that you need, yet they decide what you can have and for what.
See the 4 kits offered by TWC:
1)Medical Emergency Preparation Kit:
2)The Ultimate First Aid Emergency Kit:
3)Traveller’s Emergency kit:
If you wish to give a donation to help me you can at:
Or Ko-Fi
Or to my address at:
150 South 8th Street
Unit 170
Lewiston, New York
again trying to create a fraud pandemic out of nothing
Big pharma is over for me...I have been turning it off for decades.