See my recent substack on the role of P53 (guardian of the genome) in cancer tumor suppression & how spike protein from virus & mRNA vaccine (S2 subunit) interacts NEGATIVELY; now research on BRCA
in silico (modelling) shows increased cancer risk with spike protein; see strong substack by REBEKAH BARNETT (support) on cancer formation and spike protein (from mRNA vaccine), see Dr. Jessica Rose
Notice I do not state ‘modified mRNA’, I am not captured by that, it is mRNA-LNP complex…it is the mRNA technology and the reality is that none of these entities, mRNA technology (core), whether without or with pseudo-methylated uracil, the LNP fatty ball, all of it, as a complete package mRNA-LNP platform complex, all of it, were never studied for harm, so as to exclude harms, never with proper long-term studies and all involved know they are guilty and history will record them, one by one, as the craven NOBEL money hungry miscreants they are. Must be investigated in proper courts of law.
Now this in-silico study is highlighted:
‘Here we performed bioinformatic analysis to investigate the interaction of S2 subunit protein of SARS-nCoV-2 of novel coronavirus with tumor suppressor proteins p53 and BRCA-1/2. In this short communication we report the interaction between S2 subunit proteins with tumor suppressor proteins for the first time. This preliminary result will open up a new direction to investigate the effect of a novel coronavirus in cancer patients.
(100) S2 of SARS-2 spike buggers up p53 - by Jessica Rose (
‘We all know by now that p53 - the guardian of the genome - assures that double-stranded DNA breaks are repaired and genome mutations limited, by surveillance of DNA and control of the cell cycle.’
Nice work by REBEKAH and Jessica. Support.
I've lost count of how many people I've spoken to who lost loved ones to aggressive metastatic cancers that had been in remission and then in 2022 came roaring back. SARS-CoV-2 appears to be an oncogenic virus but it can't account for all the cancers. Some of those who died had not had covid. They'd only had the mRNA shots
You can safely replace a word "virus" which is just an idea with a phrase "man-made virus" which is a nano-creature delivered through the vaccinations and probably other means of depopulation/deconstruction of humanity.