Simonsen et al.: "Impact of Influenza Vaccination on Seasonal Mortality in the US Elderly Population"; We could not correlate increasing vaccination coverage after 1980 with declining mortality rates
in any age group. Because fewer than 10% of all winter deaths were attributable to influenza in any season, we conclude that observational studies substantially overestimate vaccination benefit.
In other words, the flu vaccine is ineffective. We have always said this and for you to be told otherwise has always been a lie. How could it work? It is based on a prediction that is impossible given the mutable nature of the influenza virus.
Yup! Having had a dear mom who lived to be almost 96 & was still sledding down a hill at age 82 & able to walk back up that hill on her own power - she NEVER succumbed to the incessant, yearly propaganda & pressure to “get the flu shot”. She believed they were worthless & the Drs were clueless re the harmfulness of shots. She walked avidly, had a garden, canned & froze vegetables, cooked wholesome meals, never bought into the egg & statin cholesterol scam, was still maneuvering stairs at age 95, read avidly, never once used a curse word, had chickens along with her “Gram”. Her Gram knew how to catch them, kill them, pluck the feathers & cook them & had some for eggs during WWII. My Dad was off serving on board a ship in the Atlantic (fortunately, he missed his ship in port that was sunk by a German U Boat). My mom was a really good cook & baker. She was athletic & fun. We did not have a clothes dryer in our home until I was ten. Everything was hung up on a clothesline & then ironed. She loved God, her family & country. She only got basic colds & dealt with them old school. Had only had two inoculations in her life, smallpox & tetanus (she stepped on a rusty nail). She was my example of constantly, sweetly, but firmly refusing meds, Rx, & shots the Drs were promoting. Mom & Dad would have been appalled at the last two & a half years & the “mandates”, lockdowns, & vitriol toward those who resisted. Dad got the flu shot once due to pressure from his work & became so sick - he never took another shot the rest of his life. I refuse all shots. No regrets. If I can be half the amazing woman she was, I will consider myself incredibly blessed.
Another shot I will not get, the flu shot this year is 16% effective???? Really!! It also contains stuff in it to hurt the elderly and this was out of the GOVERNMENT studies... So, who the hell would take more crap??