six-foot (6-foot) social distancing rule that destroyed businesses, lives; people hung themselves! all made up FAUCI said! I already told you this in 2 stacks below as I worked at HHS; you attacked me
yet Redfield told me directly, it's in my book PRESIDENTIAL TAKEDOWN; Redfield as head of CDC told me directly it's made up! Gottlieb agreed, said MADE up! corroborated me; LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY
Dr. Anthony Fauci confessed to lawmakers Tuesday that guidelines to keep six feet of separation — ostensibly to limit the spread of COVID-19 — “sort of just appeared” without scientific input. NY Post reporter Josh Christenson shares this story.
They are all liars - the medical industrial complex is a mass-murdering, lying, fascist, demonic "science." If a "doctor" or "nurse" or other "medical guru" tells you to do something, do the complete opposite.
Cough / sneeze droplets can travel 30+ feet! Totally made up arbitrary rules (6 feet)! 👎
Murderer Fauci 🤡😷👎🤬