So you said Malone's & Bourla's mRNA technology gene-based vaccine 'caused' TURBO cancer yet you telling me that Malone's & Sahin's mRNA technology vaccine 'cures cancer? Wake me to fcuk up when this
game of fraud is over please! Thank you. What? Not ivermectin (IVM) for cancer but mRNA vaccine? My brain is about to explode! What now, cancer caused by parasites so IVM good again? Which is it?
Which is it? A mRNA-LNP Malone vaccine that kills yet cures? Oh God, what is going on here? Which is it? You are driving me to take up heavy drinking now! Are these people just making shit up now? To see what sticks to the wall? I firmly think so, this is a game now, because they still think you ‘the people’ are STUPID’ and uninformed.
Who is zooming who or better yet, who is spooning who? SAGE HANA (SH) and our love hate relationship depending on his-her time of the month, and or mines, well, I have to say, this stack is smoking hot…thank you SH for this stack and I shall share this one as it leaves one pondering that boy oh boy, we are indeed waist deep in shit and this is one clusterfuck that unwinds daily.
My contention daily is we must never forget what we faced in this PCR-manufactured asymptomatic transmission lie COVID non-pandemic fraud, that some evil people did some veil shit bringing SOMETHING that caused serious respiratory ILI flu like (we still cannot agree on what) that killed some elderly people, that between the Gain-of-function research, between all the bad malfeasant players, between Obama’s role in gain-of-function, between how 45 was set up day one by Obama and the deepstate, to take the fake pandemic on his chest with really no easy way out, between the deadly lockdowns and the deadly mRNA technology mRNA vaccine and the devastating ‘KILLING FIELDS’ medical management of our peoples (isolation, sedatives propofol, midazolam, fentanyl, lorazepam, diamorphine etc.), Remdesivir, DNR orders, dehydration, malnourishment, ventilator…then with all of that, we cannot forget and we MUST get accountability, no matter how long it takes.
I leave you with my list of the 73 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse who we must start with as to investigating for their roles in the deadly COVID fake pandemic and mRNA vaccine, this is an iterating expanding list (please suggest to me and my committee for consideration of new names to the list) as well as SH’s new stack:
73 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse, I have added 2 more names (Barak Obama & Randi Weingarten) to this illustrious list, people to be questioned under oath as to their roles in COVID fraud pandemic,
mRNA technology vaccines, Gain-of Function research (GoF)? in what unfolded, who knew what and when? I say get these people under oath & if courts, judges say they did well, we praise them, celebrate them, and if judges say they caused harms and deaths, we strip whomever of money, all their money, take from their families too, all, and imprison them, and if juries and judges and courts say the death penalty is warranted, we impose it. As per law.
SH’s substack-
Start SH here:
‘Scorpions, Cancer, and Viruses - by Sage Hana (
‘Scorpions, Cancer, and Viruses
Isolating the Variables that the Cancer Moonshot must pretend to cure cancer
APR 14, 2024
Very rarely would I lead off with The Guardian, but here we are.
Newly released data shows soil in the Ohio town of East Palestine – scene of a recent catastrophic train crash and chemical spill – contains dioxin levels hundreds of times greater than the exposure threshold above which Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) scientists in 2010 found poses cancer risks.
The EPA at the time proposed lowering the cleanup threshold to reflect the science around the highly toxic chemical, but the Obama administration killed the rules, and the higher federal action threshold remains in place.
Foreshadowed here.
Cancer and Ivermectin.
So I’m considering the parasitic cause of cancer theory which is about to ripple into the Tier Two sphere and possibly the Tier One sphere.
And to learn from Richard Day’s admonition, I shall now try to ask the right questions.
“People are too trusting. People don’t ask the right questions.”
Entry level questions:
Are viruses real?
Is cancer due to viruses? (Cervical cancer, HPV)
Some viruses, not others?
Is cancer due to parasites?
Is cancer due to parasites and viruses, or some parasites and some viruses and not others?
Can cancer also be due to radiation?
Can cancer be caused by toxic waste or chemicals?
Is cancer caused by cigarette smoking?
Is cancer perhaps caused by a multitude of factors?
Radiation-induced cancer
From Wikipedia, Spookipedia, the free encyclopedia
Exposure to ionizing radiation is known to increase the future incidence of cancer, particularly leukemia. The mechanism by which this occurs is well understood, but quantitative models predicting the level of risk remain controversial. The most widely accepted model posits that the incidence of cancers due to ionizing radiation increases linearly with effective radiation dose at a rate of 5.5% per sievert;[1] if correct, natural background radiation is the most hazardous source of radiation to general public health, followed by medical imaging as a close second.[citation needed] Additionally, the vast majority of non-invasive cancers are non-melanoma skin cancers caused by ultraviolet radiation (which lies on the boundary between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation). Non-ionizing radio frequency radiation from mobile phones, electric power transmission, and other similar sources have been investigated as a possible carcinogen by the WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer, but to date, no evidence of this has been observed.[2][3]
Does Ivermectin work on radiation cancer?
Gosh I wonder if the Scorpions are rigorously checking to make sure that the radiation of SMART devices and towers will not lead to cancer?
Scorpion Break
If one were a Scorpion and Ivermectin did work on a parasitic cancer, would you maybe throw the world a solid and have a press conference and say we did it! And then ramp up the radiation and burn off some more dioxin as was done in Ohio?
If they don’t want to actually cure cancer, but need to hang out a solve with other effects potentially, not side effects as Heather B. points out, but other effects…
Would you not go ahead and hang out a “goody” and wait for the other effects to kick in and also ramp up the other vectors for zeeee cancer?
Do you see how this might be done?
Do you see how once you get past that first very big hurdle and stare the Monster in the eyes, you can imagine building back deader?
In March 2011, an earthquake and tsunami caused damage that led to explosions and partial meltdowns at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant in Japan. Significant release of radioactive material took place following hydrogen explosions at three reactors, as technicians tried to pump in seawater to keep the uranium fuel rods cool, and bled radioactive gas from the reactors in order to make room for the seawater.[16] Concerns about the large-scale release of radioactivity resulted in 20 km exclusion zone being set up around the power plant and people within the 20–30 km zone being advised to stay indoors. On March 24, 2011, Japanese officials announced that "radioactive iodine-131 exceeding safety limits for infants had been detected at 18 water-purification plants in Tokyo and five other prefectures".[17]
Also in Japan was the Tokaimura nuclear accidents of 1997 and 1999. The 1997 accident was far less fatal than the 1999 accident. The 1999 nuclear accident was caused by two faulty technicians who, in their desire to speed up the process of converting uranium hexafluoride to enriched uraniumdioxide, resulted in a critical mass that resulted in technicians Hisashi Ouchi being dosed with approximately 17 sieverts of radiation and Masato Shinohara to be dosed with 10 sieverts of radiation, which resulted in their deaths. The two's supervisor, Yutaka Yokokawa, who was sitting in a desk far from the tank where the uranium hexafluoride was being poured into, was dosed with 3 sieverts and survived, but was charged with negligence in October 2000.[citation needed]
In 2003, in autopsies performed on six dead children in the polluted area near Chernobyl where they also reported a higher incidence of pancreatic tumors, Bandazhevsky found a concentration of 137-Cs of 40-45 times higher than in their liver, thus demonstrating that pancreatic tissue is a strong accumulator of radioactive cesium.[18] In 2020, Zrielykh reported a high and statistically significant incidence of pancreatic cancer in Ukraine for a period of 10 year, there have been cases of morbidity also in children in 2013 compared with 2003.[19]
Other serious radiation accidents include the Kyshtym disaster (estimated 49 to 55 cancer deaths),[20] and the Windscale fire (an estimated 33 cancer deaths).[21][22]
Cancer and toxic waste.
Love Canal - Public Health Time Bomb
A Special Report to the Governor and Legislature: September, 1978
The complete report is also available in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF, 3684KB)
Love Canal: A Brief History
In 1836, a U.S. Government engineer surveyed the Niagara County area, looking for a possible site for a ship canal to connect the lakes Erie and Ontario. He reported that Lewiston, New York, by virtue of its location on the Niagara River at the base of a 300-foot escarpment, not only was an excellent place for a ship canal, it also had excellent potential as a source of cheap water power.
Despite many public pronouncements over the years, nothing came of the engineer's report until May of 1892, when a man named William T. Love arrived in Niagara Falls. Love came to town with a long-held dream: to build a carefully planned industrial city with convenient access to inexpensive water power and major markets.
Mr. Love proposed to construct a navigable power canal between the upper and lower Niagara Rivers which would service a massive industrial complex and thereby provide the matrix for his dream city. The site he chose is approximately seven to eight miles northeast of Niagara Falls. Water transportation was afforded directly to the site by the lower Niagara River and Lake Ontario. Within a radius of one-hundred miles there was a population of over two million people.
The heart of Love's plan was a power canal that would connect the upper and lower levels of the Niagara River. With a canal only six or seven miles in length, water could be conveyed to the Niagara Terrace, from which there was a drop of over 300 feet to the lower level.
He could create immense water power on his townsite by virtue of the fall the water would take, and water power was the cheapest available means of power generation. At the time, it was essential that power users be located near the source as it was virtually impossible to transmit electricity over any great distance.
By January of 1893, Love felt he had enough prominent people in favor of his idea to publicly announce his plan for a model city which would accommodate up to 600,000 people. He claimed before he could advance his plan further he would need control of 10,000 acres. Over the space of a few months, he managed to buy or secure options on 20,000 acres and began actual detailed laying out of the site.
Obviously a man of considerable energy and charisma, Love came to Albany, where he personally politicked for a law that would charter his newly founded company. He became only the second private citizen in history to address a joint session of the State Senate and Assembly. After his bill passed, Love met privately with Governor Roswell Flower, who not only signed the legislation but also issued glowing testimonials about the project.
The charter granted to Love's company, appropriately dubbed the Modeltown Development Corporation, stands today as one of the most liberal ever granted any private developer. He had the authority to condemn properties and to divert as much water from the upper Niagara River as he saw fit, even to the extent of turning off Niagara Falls!
Armed with his newly won charter, Love quickly lined up backing from financial giants in New York City, Chicago and England. In October of 1893, the first factory on the townsite was opened for business. In May of 1894, work on the canal was begun. Steel companies and other manufacturers lined up for the chance of opening plants along the Love Canal.
Everything was looking extremely good for Love and his project when the country suddenly found itself in the middle of a full-scale economic depression. Money and backing began to slip away from William Love and his Model City.
Nikola Tesla delivered the coup-de-grace. Tesla discovered a way to transmit electrical power economically over great distances by means of an alternating current. No longer was it necessary for industry to locate near the source of electrical power. Love's project was dealt a death blow.
His backers deserted him, and the last of the property owned by his corporation was subjected to mortgage foreclosure and sold at public auction in 1910.
The sole surviving monument to William Love and his Model City was a partially dug section of canal in the southeast corner of the City of Niagara Falls. For several decades of the Twentieth Century, this portion of the canal reportedly served as a swimming hole for children living in the LaSalle section of the city.
But in the 1920's the excavation was turned to a new and ominous use. It became a chemical and municipal disposal site for several chemical companies and the City of Niagara Falls. Chemicals of unknown kind and quantity were buried at the site for a 25-30 year period, up until 1953. After 1953, the site was covered with earth.
In the late 1950's homebuilding began directly adjacent to the Love Canal landfill. Over a period of time about 100 homes were built and an elementary school was opened.
Thus were sown the seeds that became the human and environmental disaster we know today as Love Canal.
And Then The Rains Came....
Love Canal is a name which until recently was relegated to the back pages of history along with the unspent dreams of a visionary for whom it is named.
Today, more than three-quarters of a century later, this 16-acre rectangular piece of land, located only a few miles from the world-famous waterfall which each year attracts thousands to the honeymoon mecca of Niagara Falls, has again become the focus of international attention, but not as the centerpiece for a dream city.
Instead the center of attention is an ominous array of chemicals buried within the boundaries of the unfinished canal for more than 25 years - toxic ingredients which are infiltrating scores of nearby homes, posing a serious threat to human health and upsetting the domestic tranquility of hundreds of families living in this middle class community.
Situated only a few blocks from the Niagara River in the residential southeastern section of the highly industrialized but tourist-oriented city, the Love Canal problem began to surface in recent years as chemical odors in the basements of the homes bordering the site became more noticeable. This followed prolonged heavy rains and one of the worst blizzards ever to hit this section of the country.
Thus began a series of events and momentous decisions involving city, county, State and Federal governments to cope with what can only be described as a major human and environmental tragedy without precedent and unparalleled in New York State's history.
Described as an environmental time bomb gone off, Love Canal stands as testimony to the ignorance, lack of vision and proper laws of decades past which allowed the indiscriminate disposal of such toxic materials.
The consequences of these transgressions are mirrored by the planned exodus of 235 families and the public monies and herculean efforts which now must be expended to contain the disaster and restore a degree of normalcy to the lives of those affected.
For those responsible for containing the problem and for government leaders in New York State and throughout the nation, Love Canal represents what may very well be the first of a new and sinister breed of environmental disasters.
Demographic Data
The Love Canal is a rectangular, 16-acre, below-ground-level landfill located in the southeast corner of the City of Niagara Falls, Niagara County, about one-quarter mile from the Niagara River.
In 1970, the population of Niagara Falls was 85,615.
Manufacturing, particularly of chemical and allied products, is the major industrial enterprise of the county and city. According to 1970 data of the New York State Department of Commerce, nine major chemical-producing companies employing a total of 5,267 people were then located in the county.
The Love Canal landfill is bordered on two sides by single family homes with a public elementary school separating the northern and southern sections of the landfill.
In July, 1978, in the homes immediately adjacent to the landfill there were resident 97 families composed of 230 adults and 134 children. During the 1977-78 school year, 410 students were enrolled at the school.
At this writing, scientific analyses have identified 82 different chemical compounds at the landfill, of which one is a known human carcinogen and 11 are known or presumed animal carcinogens.
Environmental Sampling
The State Departments of Health and Environmental Conservation in the early spring of 1978 launched an intensive air, soil and groundwater sampling and analysis program following qualitative identification of a number of organic compounds in the basements of 11 homes adjacent to the Love Canal.
The new data collected by the two agencies confirmed not only the presence of a variety of compounds but established precise levels for many of the chemical constituents. It became immediately apparent from the data that the problem was not limited to a few homes and that a potential health hazard existed from long term exposure to the chemicals.
Based on this latest information, the Commissioners of Health and Environmental Conservation instructed their respective staffs to explore every remedy available to the State to protect the public's health and safety.
The two commissioners along with local officials inspected the site on April 13, 1978. Based on their personal observations and the recommendations of public health specialists in the Health Department, Dr. Whalen, on April 25, 1978, officially termed the Love Canal ". . .an extremely serious threat to the health and welfare. . ." and ordered the Niagara County health commissioner to immediately undertake remedial measures to remove visible chemicals and restrict access to the site and initiate health and engineering studies.
Commissioner Whalen's order set into motion a coordinated plan of attack by local, State and Federal agencies to further delineate the nature and extent of environmental and public health hazards.
Public health concerns prompted the Health Department to give priority to evaluating basement air samples from all homes contiguous to the Canal, before ground and surface water samples, to minimize the risk of chemicals entering the human body by inhalation.
As data flowed in, it became evident that unacceptable levels of toxic vapors associated with more than 80 compounds were emanating from the basements of many homes in the first ring directly adjacent to the Love Canal. Ten of the most prevalent and most toxic compounds - including benzene, a known human carcinogen - were selected for evaluation purposes and as indicators of the presence of other chemical constituents.
Air samples were taken in rooms on the first floor of several homes in the first ring. The data showed, however, that vapors had infiltrated beyond the basement in only one case (the residence which had the highest readings of all basements tested).
Scientists concluded:
Outside surface contamination and overt signs of basement contamination were greater in the southern portion of the landfill site, but air quality data suggested no such clear distinction.
Although homes with a poured concrete foundation had lesser contamination than homes with block foundations, no correlation between air quality and the use of sump pumps, with or without covers, was apparent.
Armed with additional information showing the extensive contamination of homes directly adjacent to the Canal, Commissioner Whalen ordered an extension of basement air sampling to include homes across the street from the Canal - approximately 138 residences. The preliminary basement air data indicate much lower levels of selected contaminants compared to the first ring, both in the number of compounds and the concentrations present. (See Table 1)
A further comparison of air samples from the first two rings of homes indicates that:
55 percent of ring 2 homes were free of chemical contamination as compared to only 5 percent of homes in ring 1;
30 percent of ring 2 homes showed the presence of only one chemical as compared to 16 percent for ring 1;
15 percent of ring 2 homes showed the presence of only two chemicals as compared to 40 percent for ring 1;
3 percent of ring 2 homes showed the presence of three chemicals as compared to 30 percent for ring 1;
Only ring 1 homes showed the presence of more than three chemicals - 7 percent had 4 chemicals and 5 percent recorded 5.
The five chemicals monitored were chloroform, trichloroethene, tetrachloroethene, chlorobenzene and chlorotoluene.
The full extent of migration of chemical leachate is being determined (as this report is being prepared) by extensive analyses of soil samples, shallow wells and sump drains at intervals extending in all directions beyond the Canal. A review of results for a small number of soil samples taken in mid-August from areas near 93rd and 95th Streets suggests migration of chemicals, including lindane and toluene, outside the immediate Canal area. This information was transmitted to the Chief of Toxic Substances for Region II of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on August 23, 1978, reiterating our recommendation that remedial action be undertaken immediately to prevent future contamination of private property and additional human exposure to unacceptable health risks.
It should be restated that basement air samples taken from homes in the outlying area have thus far shown significantly lower levels of contaminants as compared to the first ring of homes, both in numbers of compounds and concentrations present.
As part of the State Health Department's investigation, radiological health specialists conducted a scan of the Canal surface for radioactivity and found three spots - all within the Canal's boundaries - where radiation levels slightly exceeded normal background radiation activity. Additional samples were being taken at various depths to ascertain the source of the radioactivity. It should be emphasized that the radioactive readings found did not exceed safe levels and are not hazardous to health.
Hydrogeological analyses of deep groundwater aquifers are being conducted in the Canal area but sufficient information is not yet available to permit any definitive conclusions.
An agreement also has been worked out with Environment Canada - Canada's national environmental protection agency - to bring in its air sampling field laboratory. The unit, the most sophisticated mobile system available for air evaluation, has a 50-foot detector which can be brought into each home and provide on-the-spot results.
Agent Orange
Agent Orange Registry health exam: The Agent Orange Registry is a program administered by the VA since 1978. Veterans who qualify and participate in this program receive a free medical exam, lab tests, and specialty referrals, if appropriate. Veterans do not need to enroll in the VA health care system to receive the registry exam.
Disability compensation: Disability compensation payments are available for veterans with certain service-related illnesses, including some types of cancer. The amount of the monthly payment is determined by the extent of disability.
The cancers considered by the US government as related to Agent Orange exposure correspond closely to the cancers found by the NASEM report to have “sufficient” or “limited/suggestive” evidence of an association:
Hodgkin lymphoma (Hodgkin disease)
Cancer of the lung, bronchus, larynx (voice box), or trachea (windpipe)
Soft tissue sarcoma (other than osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Kaposi sarcoma, or mesothelioma)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), hairy cell leukemia, and other chronic B-cell leukemias
Veterans with cancers not on this list can still file for disability benefits, although they’ll need to submit more supporting evidence for the claim.
Some conditions other than cancer are also considered related to Agent Orange exposure.
I am now posting a Stanford Tobacco report.
What is up is down.
Stanford will take a long time to hang out Vaccine Cancers.
We are always a little behind, are we not?
Do you ever think that the Scorpions have fifty ways to leave murder your lover?
And dudes in white coats who will say anything at any time?’
I have recently subbed to Sage Hana. I posted a comment the other day about all the lies that we were told, including about Ivermectin, so the evil bastards would not be hindered in their genocide agenda.
But in the replies, I was admonished by someone who reminded me that Bill Gates supplied Ivermectin to African countries to treat Ebola. But supposedly he was really trying to cause infertility in that population, and that Ivermectin causes infertility.
Personally, if it cures cancer so effectively, infertility is a minor worry. But what were Gates' intentions?
Dr. Paul, "under oath" means absolutely nothing to these worms. We have watched congressional investigations of Fauci, of Wray, of Mayorkas, and seen them lie. Lie. Lie. Seems as though the older way of extracting confession may have some value. And I guess the military/CIA use it still.