These are the facts & the interviewer failed in Trump interview! Facts: OWS failed, saved NO lives, Malone Bourla et al. mRNA vaccine killed, saved NO lives! I worked in Trump's HHS, OWS, lockdowns
failed, nowhere did it work & the mRNA gene-based vaccine (Malone Sahin et al.) was devastating & POTUS Trump was wrong to say para 'we awaiting studies', what? wrong to say it was successful, WRONG
First, I am not cupping balls.
You will notice of all the anti-COVID mRNA vaccine and OWS advocates, I AM the only one to stand up now against this bullshit interview on OWS and the vaccines.
Because I cannot be bought, and my silence is NOT for sale. I seek no job.
The Malone et al. gene-based vaccine never worked, never sterilized the virus. Never stopped infection, replication, or transmission, mandate was DOA, moot. When asked, POTUS Trump in all my respect for him, says there are studies on NOW to see if the vaccine worked. What? Now? After it was brought? And killed? You are wrong to say that POTUS Trump. Did I hear that right? And to keep saying that OWS and vaccine saved hundreds of millions of lives is wrong, flat wrong, POTUS Trump. I support you as the ONLY option we have today. I am doing all I could to get you elected but you are wrong, and you MUST stop saying what you said again in that interview. It is wrong. Your team knows it. You know it. I know loyalty and I am loyal but no to engage in misleading people. What was said here should have never been said, too many got harmed by OWS and the Malone Bancel Weissman et al. gene-based mRNA shot. Too many! I know you know that too and so it is time to stand up. No meandering to the mea culpa, you know the evidence as it exists now! So stand up!
A very disappointing and surprising interview. Near lawyerly. Not good.
I challenge anyone to debate me on this. Sharyl, interview me, I worked for Trump administration and this interview was wrong. You tried, I give you that, but you did not follow-up on the responses that were wrong. When POTUS Trump said more died under Harris and Biden, it is because of the Malone et al. mRNA vaccine his administration developed in OWS. Let us be honest.
The interview around OWS and the Malone et al. vaccine was devastatingly wrong, deceiving.
Watch also, all around who were prior hammering the Malone mRNA vaccine, are now silent. Watch, they might, will even praise it…it’s a game ON YOU. A continued fraud on you. They know mRNA is going to become your life (this is the game, mRNA technology, CRISPR, siRNAs etc.) so they want in on the money so will now praise the Maone Kariko et al. mRNA vaccine. The technology. They do not want to offend Trump or Bobby Jr. IMO. It is a terrible game we are in people. Money money money jobs jobs jobs. Many police, military etc. have been harmed and died due to the Malone et al. mRNA vaccine. Why then the silence now?
Look, you could be trying to get a job if he is elected, and cupping and washing balls, or you can be honest. I chose to be honest. Both the Trump and Biden administrations have blood on their hands. The 2 greatest public health disasters happened under Trump, the lockdowns under OWS and the Malone et al. mRNA gene-based vaccine. The third greatest disaster happened under Biden and Harris namely continuing lockdowns and mandating the deadly Malone Weissman Bancel et al. mRNA gene-based vaccine.
This was a failed interview on OWS and the Malone et al. gene-based technology vaccine that killed and I embed some of the comments and you can see what Americans think…I disagree with what Trump said here completely. He was wrong! It is time he stood up and apologizes and admits he was misled, was misguided, WRONG, will do all he can to make USA ‘whole’ and to punish the wrongdoers in the Malone et al. gene-based mRNA vaccine and the OWS fraud using a fraud fake PCR-manufactured non-pandemic.
What I think is staggering is the seeming silence now of Bobby Kennedy Jr. on the deadly OWS and the deadly Malone Bourla Bancel et al. gene-based vaccine. Bobby Jr. was never silent and if his union with Trump demanded silence, RFK Jr. must depart. You will damage your legacy. You must break and stand up Bobby Jr. I respect you and do believe you have lots of good to do by American. I think you have been SILENCED. This goes against all you stand for, especially for free speech and no censoring.
Do not sell yourself out, Bobby Jr. Many around you have asses up, looking, pimping, begging for jobs. Now endorsing Trump. No no no…no sell out, no pay to play, no sell out. You have better quality than those bastards around you are begging jobs, you know I too worked with them too. I know them as well as you do. They are anti-Trump and dangerous to Trump. Their game is to harm him. On the inside. Call him a lunatic. On the inside. I know them all. I know what was planned.
You RFK Jr. must do the will of the people. You are a good man. Can do lots of good. Use the podium well. Please stand up as you did prior. No silence on the deadly Malone et al. mRNA gene-based vaccine.
Trump was wrong here. OWS failed, did not save lives. This was not a good interview, and the interviewer failed! Sharyl knows of all the harms, has been leading on this. I am surprised, she is usually top notch. Pandering. IMO. Maybe I missed something. I could not be silent, this interview happened yesterday~. Not good.
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I can’t understand why Trump is still claiming success to the vaccine rollout.
The interview, as it related to the jab and handling of covid in general, was cringe. So many warnings, so many mechanisms of injury, etc were starting to be discussed BEFORE and RIGHT AFTER the jab rollout -- so there's no need to "wait for" ANY data, of any kind in 2025, to prove or show this D0D technology which big pHARMa was contracted to produce (developed a couple decades ago by the D0D as a bioweapon to be unleashed under EUA because it was so deadly it could never be approved otherwise) was lethal and unsuitable for human use (other than to kill and maim). There's a pretty deep backstory to this death jab (and all the others) going back to the early 1900s, and even before, -- by the DS cartel babylon demonic entities who entrenched themselves into the U S govt. (Death by vax goes back to the 1917 "Spanish Flu" psyop, which anyone so inclined can look into.) That said, this mRNA, graphene, "spike protein", quantum dot, self-assembling nanocircuity, bioweapon of destruction of humanity (to alter God's creation of life in all forms) is/was a psychotic, genocidal, depopulation tool devloped by the D0D for mass death, and for total control, enslavement, and surveillance of the relative few survivers of this democidal holocaust administered by injection (and other big pHARMa "medications") to hook humanity to the internet of bodies (IOB) and internet of things (IOT), reducing ALL of God's creations and nature's law to simple commodities to be used by the psychopathic elites as a "battery" (energy source). The OWS program was in place LONG before Trump came on the scene -- at least 20 years before. It's not his creation (he's also not the "grandaddy" of the vax - was that the script given to him?); but he was foolish enough to be duped (or corrupt enough to be coerced?) by the powers-that-ought-not-be to unleash this heinous bioweapon on the global population under a false-flag plandemic. Every aspect of the psyop called covid, and subsequent rollout of destruction by injection, was well planned and in place before Trump even came down the escalator, right down to the "FDA speedy approval" of the BS death jab. (Side note - the captured psychotic Rockefeller et al. U S govt tried several times before "covid" to poison humanity with this same mRNA tech using other BS psyops of swine flu, zika virus, ebola, etc BECAUSE THEY KNEW THE "QUACKCINE" THEY HAD READY TO GO COULD ONLY BE UNLEASHED UNDER EUA, AS THE BIOWEAPON COULDN'T PASS ANY PRIOR TESTING FOR APPROVAL because all the animal and human subjects died or were severely injured during previous attempts at gaining mRNA "approval"... hence the need for a NEW "scary", unseen, boogeyman "virus", fueled by a C_A-scripted fear campaign by the lamestream whore media. Because previous attempts at unleashing this bioweapon tech on humanity had failed, and because data about it existed, this is how it was known by some, who were raising the alarm, about what was coming, what the agenda was, and what the "shots" would actually be. For this reason alone, Trump should've been alerted by someone in his circle of what the D0D was up to and all that was set in place over the preceeding couple of decades to bring this genocide to fruition.) So for Trump to say we have to wait to see what the data shows in 2025 from this mass experiment on humanity is insulting. And let's assume he didn't know what the D0D, Fauci, Redfield, Birx, NIH, Daszak, Ft Dietrich, etc had in play prior to the covid psyop, the global devastation starting almost immediately after the bioweapon rollout should have alerted Trump to the fact that something exceedingly sinister, and deadly, was happening. Within literally months, the picture became more clear by the day. Drs, scientists, researchers, etc worldwide started doing their homework and began unearthing what was in the death jab and what it was doing. So aside from the truly mentally-deficient, totally-indoctrinated, ignorant NPCs who are so steeped in the matrix that reality is foreign to them, EVERYONE now knows the horrific dangers and destruction caused by this nanotech, mRNA bioweapon jab. Trump may not be a scientific genius; but if he's really "waiting" for the studies to come out in 2025 (and can't be bothered to look at the thousands of pages of data available to date), then he's not who he claims to be, or he's a total idiot -- or he's part of the psychotic depopulation plan and destruction of humanity. Plus, the increased numbers of excess deaths, the turbo cancers, the shocking disability numbers, the rampant illnesses and side effects, the "died suddenlies", etc should be enough to make any reasonable person stop and say, "WTF".
You're correct. As much as Trump is seemingly the only option, he needs to get in front of this and spill the beans, as does RFK Jr, who, frankly, is kind of full of sh!t on the quackcine issue as he states "his kids are all vaxxed" and we need "safe vaccines". There is no such thing. Never was. Never will be. This has been proven since the early 1900s. And if it WERE possible to make "safe vaccines" (which no one on the planet needs anyway, but that's the topic of another discussion), then big pHARMa wouldn't have to have to be shielded from liability for making these toxic products. There is no vaccine EVER made that has been tested for safety and efficacy. Not a single one, including the covid bioweapon jab. That's why this bioweapon injection was released under the auspices of a "vaccine", because no safety OR efficacy needs to be established; and there's no liability to anyone, including the manufacturer, for administering these poisons. And this is something else that Trump should be aware of. It's common knowledge.
PS - Did you see Alex Jones confront Francis Collins in an airport (yesterday?) about the 20 million dead from the bioweapon jab? Collins didn't deny it. So it's hard to fathom Trump could maintain his stance on ANY aspect of the planned covid psyop.