I can’t understand why Trump is still claiming success to the vaccine rollout.

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same here and I had to write and reply on paper...I ain't washing balls, cupping balls, I seek nothing, I ain't one of them begging Bobby Jr. to give them a job etc. I was there, I worked for Trump...this interview was devastatingly misleading to us all. I will never be silent. Trump was wrong, flat wrong here. he deceived the people in his responses and when you listen, it is staggering the play with words. I am here because people died on account of OWS, the Malone et al. gene vaccine and the mandates...we need people hung, not a bullshit interview and Attisson lost serious credibility here IMO. To get an interview of your lifetime?

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Because he has to. That's what all swamp members say.

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New jab mandates are coming along with lockdowns and vote by mail:

New COVID subvariant XEC poses potential threat heading into winter. Doctors urge vaccinations


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thanks for sharing, let me read

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Those vaccines are for RSV!

What does RSV have to with Omicron? So brave AI tells me the following:

"During the Omicron variant’s outbreak, a study observed a sharp reduction in RSV cases, suggesting that the SARS-CoV-2 activity may have suppressed RSV transmission. This phenomenon was noted in contrast to the fall of 2021, when RSV cases peaked despite low SARS-CoV-2 activity."

In other words, they are misdiagnosing covid, RSV, or potentially both. They have the chutzpah to suggest that taking RSV vaccine lowers covid!

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And the people who fall for it, probably should do us all a favor and get them

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Of course there are. There's (fake) elections to steal and people to kill.

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Dr. McCullough is experimenting with new siRNA shots which he appears to think are safe and may be effective if you're interested in lining up for these shots.

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no, no one is...it is not

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I have read that paper, IMO no RNA, mRNA, none is safe, we need 100 more years of research and ethics debate...before we are to look at it again. so no, I am not behind this at all.

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Um, no thank you. God gave me a perfectly good immune system and when that quits working, so be it. I'll go home.

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He didnt claim success to the vaccine rollout in this part of the interview. He even justified himself saying "he really had a mandate to the vaccine out". He also didnt say (in this part of the interview) that he saved hundred of millions of lives. He said that such democrat guy (fictional or not) said that he saved hundred of millions of lives. So this interview is basically more conservative than saying "my OWS saved hundred of million of lives".

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Bulwark, thanks...you support him like I...it is clear...you are being lawyerly and I said that...I dont like that bullshit language...notice I am a bit pissed with 45...he played game with the language...no balls cupping Bulwark, this aint no balls cupping stack.

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so you are saying its ok because his role was to get it out...develop it...he has nothing to do with the unsafe aspect? thats incredible, amazing.

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this interview is bad, real bad...the interviewer lost huge credibility

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The interview, as it related to the jab and handling of covid in general, was cringe. So many warnings, so many mechanisms of injury, etc were starting to be discussed BEFORE and RIGHT AFTER the jab rollout -- so there's no need to "wait for" ANY data, of any kind in 2025, to prove or show this D0D technology which big pHARMa was contracted to produce (developed a couple decades ago by the D0D as a bioweapon to be unleashed under EUA because it was so deadly it could never be approved otherwise) was lethal and unsuitable for human use (other than to kill and maim). There's a pretty deep backstory to this death jab (and all the others) going back to the early 1900s, and even before, -- by the DS cartel babylon demonic entities who entrenched themselves into the U S govt. (Death by vax goes back to the 1917 "Spanish Flu" psyop, which anyone so inclined can look into.) That said, this mRNA, graphene, "spike protein", quantum dot, self-assembling nanocircuity, bioweapon of destruction of humanity (to alter God's creation of life in all forms) is/was a psychotic, genocidal, depopulation tool devloped by the D0D for mass death, and for total control, enslavement, and surveillance of the relative few survivers of this democidal holocaust administered by injection (and other big pHARMa "medications") to hook humanity to the internet of bodies (IOB) and internet of things (IOT), reducing ALL of God's creations and nature's law to simple commodities to be used by the psychopathic elites as a "battery" (energy source). The OWS program was in place LONG before Trump came on the scene -- at least 20 years before. It's not his creation (he's also not the "grandaddy" of the vax - was that the script given to him?); but he was foolish enough to be duped (or corrupt enough to be coerced?) by the powers-that-ought-not-be to unleash this heinous bioweapon on the global population under a false-flag plandemic. Every aspect of the psyop called covid, and subsequent rollout of destruction by injection, was well planned and in place before Trump even came down the escalator, right down to the "FDA speedy approval" of the BS death jab. (Side note - the captured psychotic Rockefeller et al. U S govt tried several times before "covid" to poison humanity with this same mRNA tech using other BS psyops of swine flu, zika virus, ebola, etc BECAUSE THEY KNEW THE "QUACKCINE" THEY HAD READY TO GO COULD ONLY BE UNLEASHED UNDER EUA, AS THE BIOWEAPON COULDN'T PASS ANY PRIOR TESTING FOR APPROVAL because all the animal and human subjects died or were severely injured during previous attempts at gaining mRNA "approval"... hence the need for a NEW "scary", unseen, boogeyman "virus", fueled by a C_A-scripted fear campaign by the lamestream whore media. Because previous attempts at unleashing this bioweapon tech on humanity had failed, and because data about it existed, this is how it was known by some, who were raising the alarm, about what was coming, what the agenda was, and what the "shots" would actually be. For this reason alone, Trump should've been alerted by someone in his circle of what the D0D was up to and all that was set in place over the preceeding couple of decades to bring this genocide to fruition.) So for Trump to say we have to wait to see what the data shows in 2025 from this mass experiment on humanity is insulting. And let's assume he didn't know what the D0D, Fauci, Redfield, Birx, NIH, Daszak, Ft Dietrich, etc had in play prior to the covid psyop, the global devastation starting almost immediately after the bioweapon rollout should have alerted Trump to the fact that something exceedingly sinister, and deadly, was happening. Within literally months, the picture became more clear by the day. Drs, scientists, researchers, etc worldwide started doing their homework and began unearthing what was in the death jab and what it was doing. So aside from the truly mentally-deficient, totally-indoctrinated, ignorant NPCs who are so steeped in the matrix that reality is foreign to them, EVERYONE now knows the horrific dangers and destruction caused by this nanotech, mRNA bioweapon jab. Trump may not be a scientific genius; but if he's really "waiting" for the studies to come out in 2025 (and can't be bothered to look at the thousands of pages of data available to date), then he's not who he claims to be, or he's a total idiot -- or he's part of the psychotic depopulation plan and destruction of humanity. Plus, the increased numbers of excess deaths, the turbo cancers, the shocking disability numbers, the rampant illnesses and side effects, the "died suddenlies", etc should be enough to make any reasonable person stop and say, "WTF".

You're correct. As much as Trump is seemingly the only option, he needs to get in front of this and spill the beans, as does RFK Jr, who, frankly, is kind of full of sh!t on the quackcine issue as he states "his kids are all vaxxed" and we need "safe vaccines". There is no such thing. Never was. Never will be. This has been proven since the early 1900s. And if it WERE possible to make "safe vaccines" (which no one on the planet needs anyway, but that's the topic of another discussion), then big pHARMa wouldn't have to have to be shielded from liability for making these toxic products. There is no vaccine EVER made that has been tested for safety and efficacy. Not a single one, including the covid bioweapon jab. That's why this bioweapon injection was released under the auspices of a "vaccine", because no safety OR efficacy needs to be established; and there's no liability to anyone, including the manufacturer, for administering these poisons. And this is something else that Trump should be aware of. It's common knowledge.

PS - Did you see Alex Jones confront Francis Collins in an airport (yesterday?) about the 20 million dead from the bioweapon jab? Collins didn't deny it. So it's hard to fathom Trump could maintain his stance on ANY aspect of the planned covid psyop.

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love this in full, excellent piece

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Aw, thank you so much for the kind words. Very humbling.

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I am tired of the American people, us, our kids being fucked. being lied to, spun, bullshitted.

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Trump doesn't admit mistakes, which in this case is unfortunate. He is not a transformative President. He wasn't last time and doubtful, even with what he's been put through, will be this time. He might fix some of the border and slow down some of the evil and craziness but he won't end it. While he certainly is unimaginably better than the stupid and pedo team he's not what we really need long term. He's facing age 80, not someone that can take on something so massive and deep.

COVID was designed in part to take down Trump, and it worked perfectly. I'm not sure if COVID at the beginning was designed to control and reduce the population or whether the evil forces quickly realize how malleable the sheep were and the gold mine they created.

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kaboom, I love your writing...for it is balanced...your tine is mine...in a way

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and brave

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you not cupping balls

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RFK JR knows what he is doing! And I believe this is a good union. Mistakes have been made, move on.

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wrong....I know all the players...mistakes? RFK Jr. has a huge voice....cant silenced.

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you do understand all the issues we face with Biden et al. is due to the lost election due in part to the failed pandemic response, fake as it was

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in part

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Not sure a failed pandemic response lost the election. Rampant election fraud and many other nefarious actors were the cause of the coup... to install an illigitimate regime to implement all the devastation we're living through.

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part to blame...I was on the inside, I know number the public dont.

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yes rampant election fraud no doubt. but in part the pandemic response. it was designed so to impact him...it did

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Trump didn't mandate though. Correct?

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Yes Lots of players, no doubt about that, each one needs to swing from a tree branch!

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swing from a tree, I like

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I agree totally aware. They are after the children in every way and form .

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I praise you for being aware and so strong. many should have your strength

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He made a career out of suing big pharma, knows the real science behind the poisons, has children with allergies due to them but wants more testing?! Not sure if you realize it but right after testing them on animals (WRONG) would come testing them on babies. Zero vax's are needed. What is needed is to stop creating the diseases. "Mistakes have been made?" How many vax injuries, dead in your family? Sorry but to continue on the narrative of a non-existent virus and a bioweapon to maim and kill is nothing short of sick and evil. I'm sure this dynamic evil duo will win easily, they will remove trump and then the never trumper, with ties to woke bio pharmaceuticals with the wife who was educated by the clintons, worked for the clinton law firm, the clinton foundation will march you right into digital tracking, currency and whatever foems of slavery they can dream up. Vote harder!

"If voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it."

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many sage words in this.

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There must surely have been market research on whether championing the clot shots wins more votes than it loses and if Trump is championing the shots then it's probably a winning move. At Trump rallies people stand behind him with signs or T-shirts saying "Women for Trump," "Blacks for Trump" etc. Conspicuously absent are people with signs or T-shirts saying "Jab recipients for Trump." Perhaps you should take one for the team Andrea and get an mRNA shot then stand in the row behind Trump at a rally wearing the T-shirt or holding a sign. You may even get some free pizza.

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very interesting ANW...I like this. Andrea knows the shots were deadly, she is among smartest here

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But at rallies, when he mentions OWS or anything covid, that's the only time the crowd "boos". He's stopped brining it up at rallies.

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Are you sure about RFK Jr? Maybe you shouldn't be.

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I voted for Trump twice and attended one Trump rally. I don't know Trump, but I liked his policies. He told US ALL what drugs he was treated with after he left the hospital in 2020. He didn't mandate. Traitors joe and the ho did.

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I can not believe that Trump continues to make a fool of himself regarding the FAILURES OF WARPSPEED that continue killing US. I am just glad I did NOT participate by getting injected in the Global IQ test.

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excellent John P. Wallis, excellent, your strength, smarts, critical thinking. I agree with you. I am dissapointed

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Thank you for all you are doing and have done Good Doctor Paul Alexander. I just watched the 4 hour round table that shoukd have lead to the arrests of the origjnal 11 for processing at the ICC.

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The only way that "warp speed" saved any lives was it prevented millions of the non-vaxxed to be sent to FEMA camps to die. Their arrangements are so complete, the only effective way to counter them is to "hurry them up" and move their timeline up, catching them flatfooted.

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yes, very good sharing

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It’s the one thing that I can’t align with President Trump on- sorry but this is too big and too evil to listen to these remarks. And the maiming and death is far from over. Maybe that’s why he is this way. It came from a place much bigger than him. Maybe he knows that this is not his fight because it was going to happen one way or the other. It’s very troubling for sure.

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I know people whose sons lost their heart, on transplant list now and one just got a heart, due to the vaccine and the fucking hospitals told them it was the vaccine and they wont live long on the new hearts...this is no game...Trump must stop this shit now. stop playing. games with words.

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I hope at some point, he will address it. Maybe he fears if he admits it- his chance of winning is slim. Not sure. But he is too smart to not understand what has happened.

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he does but that is not what we seek in a leader now...we want honesty, pure...we have been through enough...and I stand with him...but I can say when he is wrong too.

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he is here

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Dr. Paul,

I have to agree.

My bigger concern is that they are “testing it now”. Please watch most current John Leak - McCullough HOTZONE interview. Dr. McCullough points out that another doc from a European country thinks there’s been a re-mix in 2022 of the “vaccines” - that they are not the same as the 2021 ones. McCullough thinks maybe correct because he doesn’t have any patients who come to him with vaccine injury from vaccine taken after 2021.

So, if they are testing 2022 mix - what will they find vs if they’re testing 2021.

I found it troubling that they are only now beginning to test after everything we’ve all been through.

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thats not the issue and I dont buy it...the issue is the implications to the genome, cancers etc. I have said prior, that they, the very ones who were against it, see MONEY MONEY MONEY...will turn on us and say 'hey, its good'...dont buy that crap. stay away. they always knew mRNA was bad, that technology, now all involved want in on the mRNA train that they seek to control your complete life

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I think it's very dangerous for Dr. McCullough to suggest this. He should condemn ALL mRNA shots, whether for covid or other false purposes.

Yesterday Dr. Margaret Aranda posted this concern, saying she "unsubscribed from McCullough's Substack after he published an article saying he began using siRNA vaccines on his patients - to help with Covid post-vax injury!"

And she provided this link:


Again, I think it is doubly dangerous to be promoting MORE genetic manipulation to "undo" prior genetic manipulation.

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agreed, I will have a talk with him to understand what is happening here. He has been against all mRNA and RNA such vaccine etc.

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he is not controlled op...no aspect of mRNA technology is safe and I fear many will throw in the towel and think they can make money

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if you cant beat them, join them

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Exactly. McCullough sounds more and more like controlled opposition, and a big pHARMa whore. Perhaps he's just too steeped in the medical big pHARMa cartel paradigm, and he can't get out of his own way when it comes to looking outside the box. Some of his recommendations of meds are flat-out dangerous and have been proven to be so (like anti-virals). Furthermore, this mRNA platform tech has been expanded to all drugs and quackcines, when we already have conclusive proof they're unfit for human consumption, in any manner. (You can't introduce foreign human or animal DNA into people, and you can't use nanotech that irreparably snaps human DNA.) The MAB (monoclonal antibodies) being used for anything and everything are also devastating. The idiot parents who put their infants into MAB vaccine trials... all the babies are now dead. And these MAB drugs, for everything under the sun, including cancer, like Keytruda, are horrifying. Ever live with anyone stupid enough to subject themselves to "immune therapy" for cancer treatment? Yeah, one word I have for that - don't. And this is what people like Trump and McCullough are touting for advanced "cancer therapies" because of the bioweapon jab rollout. God help us all. All anyone has to do is listen to the side effects listed in the ads on TV for all these drugs for Crohns, eczema, blah blah blah; and THEY'RE TELLING YOU HOW HORRIBLE THEY ARE. And, yet; here we are... with people championing their use and causing further devastation. Just. No. Words.

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causing confusion...there is no evidence that any of this is safe

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Exactly. There can be no evidence it's safe because there isn't any evidence of safety. And the F D A needs to be abolished as it is a mere frontman for rubber stamping whatever demon juice big pHARMa chooses to unleash on customers for profit and to further sicken their customers (with side effects) so they can make more profit pushing more demon juice. It's criminally insane. Mengele was an amateur.

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This is fascinating. It sounds like McCullough is on the cutting edge of these siRNA technology applications. If they are safe, as Dr. McCullough appears to believe, and also effective, could these new injections be the answer to many of the problems caused by the other injections or potentially by shedding? Are the shots only available to Dr. McCullough's patients? Is there anywhere else other than in Texas where readers of this stack can go to line up for these shots?

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fascinating indeed. I am looking into this as it is troubling. what would we use a RNA vaccine to fix devastating RNA vaccine? where is the research to show this works or is sage? the same types of research we call for in terms of the mRNA?

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Are you serious? You'd consider this next phase of a technology that's caused over a billion injuries and 20 million deaths globally?

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kaboom....good question....I think ANW is tongue and cheek.

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Dr. A,

Don't blame Atkinson. She asked the question. It was a softball for any thinking individual. POTUS Trump can't get out of his own way and if he continues, he is going to give this election to Harris. Unbelievable. He did it in the debate and here he goes again.

Perhaps he is not as bright as you say. He can't be to be answering a crucial question like that.

He is our only option???? That is not saying much.

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Trump's said countless times that the beautiful vaccines saved100s of millions of lives so it would be very hard to unsay it now. Perhaps he should just damn the jabs with faint praise. What was it Goebbels said? Was it " The smaller the truth and the less often it is repeated the less people will believe it" or words to that effect? Oh wait ...

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not a good interview

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embarrassing even

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good sharing

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Blah, blah, what Trump said. I never viewed Trump as my God, and what he stares goes. I think for myself and did my research, and even if I didn't do any research, I still would not get the Jab. I took 1 flu jab in 1990, never again. If you or anyone else? Made the decision to take the jab, because Trump did or said so! Then you the idiot…. If a person viewed Trump as god-like, then you live with it. Jesus Christ is lord and savior. Besides I never bought into this fear. The best part is when they said you should stand 6 feet away 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪REALLY! Honestly, so glad I know my rights.

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good for you, praise...

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Dr. Paul, if you remember, Trump supposedly had Covid and was treated and did well with his doctors treatment, he then took the shots himself. As far as I know, he has not had Covid since, not because of shots but because he got Covid and built up immunity. So, I wonder to him? the shots worked. He is not a scientist and we all know he was BETRAYED BY GOOD? Scientists! So his belief is the shots worked, we all know they are not and never were vaccine, never protected against. If anything the shots give you covid many times over. Maybe, you should sit with him, we know he likes to pat himself on his back, and a million times over, I will be there applauding same. But, he does not understand the evil out there unless this is ploy to sucker them in to expose? Another theory?

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it not about him, its the tens of thousands who were harmed...he knows. this interview was bad, real bad. interviewer knows it too.

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he said studies underway...but for what? to assess safety? effectiveness?

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FDA approved it under EUA and Pfizer and Moderna submitted trial results...so what did FDA approve based on what? if studies are being done now....

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I ask a question and I know the answer but playing the game too here as that interview played with us.

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this is a game to these people

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ask then, why was Malone and Bourla and Sahin and Weissman et al. silent day one, when the vaccines were under study by Moderna etc. they knew it was ineffective and harmful, they knew the mRNA-LNP complex was harmful, always was.

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I don't believe anyone in the "club" took the shots.

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Nope. If those in the club actually took it, they'd be dropping dead, having myocarditis, getting turbo cancer, be struggling with V-AIDS (from no immune system), having neuro issues, etc. And they're not. They PRETEND they got the jab, just like they PRETEND to get "covid" (which has never been proven to exist and for which there is NO TEST and never has been) because they're propaganda whores who participate in bringing in each next phase of the psyop. They just can't help themselves as they're so heavily invested in the lies they need to continue the destruction (and each subsequent phase of the agenda, ad infinitum) that's tied to this horrifying genocide machine.

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