This stack of the study on vast majority of the EFFECTS of a drug, device, vaccine being NOT due to drug or vaccine etc. but rather to PLACEBO effects (>70%), contextual effects, patient expectations
doctor-patient interactions is very important so here again! Does the PLACEBO effect in most research explain near 80% of effect size, or VARIANCE explained? Yes!
‘~This study challenges traditional assumptions by demonstrating that the majority of treatment effects in these trials arise from context effects, e.g. patient expectations, doctor-patient interactions, or of being included into a trial. Only a maximum of 28% of the variance can be attributed to pharmacological ‘intervention’ effects (drug, vaccine etc.) and this figure may still include error and unexplained variance. This means that pharmacological intervention (drug, vaccine etc.) effects account for a much smaller proportion of improvements than is usually assumed.’
Remember, the placebo effect or response (contains the placebo effect also) occurs in both arms of a trial, the intervention and placebo arm. The question always is, how much effect is there above placebo in the treatment intervention arm (pharmacological effect), to make it worthwhile to take that vaccine or drug. Taking ‘costs or risks’ into account.
As you wrap your head around that, we knew for decades in the EBM world that most clinical trials, if re-run, will get different results and that most estimates of effect are biased as over-estimations of effect size due to stopping early for benefit, improper randomization (sequence generation), allocation concealment, improper or failed blinding of researcher, subject, outcome assessor etc., baseline imbalance, small sample size, small number of outcome events (< 200) etc. etc. etc.
This study adds to the evidence that most studies, published work over-estimates and over-reports the treatment effect and that MOST of the variability/variance in the effect is due to (explained by) the PLACEBO effect. Not the actual intervention under study. On top of that, as Pfizer and Moderna and the FDA and Bourla and Bancel et al. did for the fraud mRNA clinical trials, with fraudulent data reported to FDA and FDA took it as were part of the fraud to bring EUA, they reported relative risk reduction (RRR) and not the absolute risk reduction (ARR) which is the actual risk, also not reporting the number needed to treat or harm (NNT/NNH)…the RRR is a biased estimate as it is ONLY the difference in risk between 2 group RELATIVE to each other e.g. (CER-EER/CER) x 100% or control event rate - experimental event rate/ control event rate x 100% while the ARR is the absolute pure difference in risk e.g. CER-EER. RRR is meant to via reporting, to deceive the public. e.g. if baseline risk of stroke or baseline control event rate (prevalence) is 0.02% in a population (I am using very small numbers here to show you the fraud con of RRR), and a drug decreases risk of stroke to 0.01%, then RRR is (CER-EER/CER) x 100% or (0.02-0.01/0.02) x 100% = 50% while ARR is 0.02-0.01=0.01%
Using same CER and EER, if I told you that the drug or vaccine reduced your risk by 50% (RRR), you will say give me lots of that, you will not even mind the ‘costs’ or burden of taking it even the toxic side effects (potential), versus if I told you that the risk is only decreased by 0.01% (ARR) and that the vaccine was costly, had side effects even modest, you needed to monitor blood levels after that so lots of burden etc. You will say nah, I do not want that, too much cost to me. So, then you can make a much better accurate informed decision with ARR versus RRR that is inflated and gives you misleading information. RRR is meant to deceive, and it is what Pfizer and Moderna gave to FDA and FDA plays along and in the game. They knew that the Pfizer mRNA shot had a RRR of 95% and an ARR of 0.7% or so. But you were never told 0.7% ARR (never reported nor the NNT or vaccinated to get one positive outcome/reduced infection etc. as 140 or so (NNT is 100%/ARR%) for you would not have taken the vaccine. Not for that modest little benefit on top of the potential risks.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
You must not wait for another catastrophic crisis (at times manufactured but we are prevented from making our own basic personal decisions or accessing needed drugs and response tools) to catch you off-guard. We must take charge and be prepared today so that we can enjoy peace of mind tomorrow.
Enter the Wellness Company as a solution and a willing participant in the health care conversation. From telemedicine, prescriptions, memberships, and supplements, TWC is leading America with alternative choices to the traditional health care model.
If you wish to give a donation to help me, you can at:
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150 South 8th Street
Unit 170
Lewiston, New York
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Please consider support of a good PATRIOT company (in this PATRIOT economy) Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (key component being antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving spike from mRNA vaccine, this is critical to remove spike form the mRNA vaccine/and DNA viral vector) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
For anyone interested ~
A little FYI: LIVE TRUMP RALLY online now (4:41 p.m. US Eastern Time) at
Uncertain what time President Trump is expected to take the stage.
These rallies usually last until 7:00 p.m. or so.
If I could I would “put that in my pipe” and smile while filling the city incinerator’s around the country with all remaining vials!
Obviously their deceptiveness is a “well-oiled-machine” lubing all the right
“FDA-Components” and “test-driving-CDC’s” handling around corners. Oh right we can’t forget about needing an “injection-fluid-change-Fauci” every six months!
By “God’s Grace” the world will never forget this nor will the world be the same after what has been done to mankind.
Please, we mustn’t ever forget this deliberate & cowardice, manipulation and deceptive
And how we were treated like “test-dummy-crash” robots, forced into the middle of rush hour traffic!
While being exponentially absorbed by all the major life insurance companies, as in
“Covid-Cha-Ching” payday!
Which, by the way, don’t forget “We the People” paid for this through our tax-dollars being redistributed, back to these same life insurance companies, hospitals, etc.
The only people who paid for this are those who died, those who are now disabled and those working class stiffs like myself! That’s who this was targeted for! Elimination of population and the middle class of America! Or what’s left of the middle class.
How despicable and diabolical all industry’s involved, had to be, for such a “HUGE-FRAUD” to be pulled off?
How many industry CEO’s I wonder, were involved as well? Too many too list, I’m sure.
All of these “fraudsters” should be grounds for investigation at minimum, including all “Drug-Mfg’s.
This level of corruption is staggering, humongous!
I doubt any investigation will ever happen. This will never happen, nor will anyone be held accountable.
For those who’ve died, those who’ve been disabled,
“Tuff-Luck” is the
“cold & inhumane”
non-apologetic apology,
they’ll ever receive! Forget about injury compensation!
For all those murdered by these “Evil-Bastards,” they will never see any kind of compensation for such a deliberate and blatant attack!IMO, “premeditated-murder!”
For I call this, we must call for
“Crime’s Against Humanity!”
Which is exactly what these “Bioweapon Injections” are and have done to human life!
These mRNA shots and this “ATTACK” have caused death to millions of people worldwide!
Never before in peacetime, have so many unsuspecting lives been “SNUFFED-OUT!”
Never before in human history I’m aware. Our literal existence was threatened! Why this doesn’t register with more people is mind-boggling.
Damn these “evil-bastards!” They are so maligned & evil, unapologetic, unaccountable
“Filthy-Blood- Money-Rich” they make me sick to my stomach!
It makes me wonder / anyone wonder, if they’re actually human! Animals don’t kill this like this! Animals kill to eat yes, not deliberately!
These Bastards kill for money, that’s how detached they are from humanity!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!