Understand that ISIS, terror cells, outside the USA & those that Obama & Biden allowed inside the USA in their flood at the US border as well as who Obama brought in, bad state actors globally, will
now understand how weak USA is in terms of the command structure at present and will poke...we are at risk now in the next 5-6 months until 45 is back at the helm, to be hit & bad; be careful!
Islamic terrorists, jihadists, bad actors, killers etc. have seen that debate…they are now agitated…
be careful, be warned, look around you and be armed, exercise your 2nd and protect our police if you see them being attacked…defend them, use deadly force as needed if life is threatened. chance courts. protect your daughters, the medieval 6th century rapist feral islamist ad Latino beast is among us. Punish them as needed once life and limb is threatened.
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Paul, I’m very, very new to Substack and still attempting to figure it all out. I have found you stacks to be not only very insightful, thought provoking, and informative. Thank you for the effort that you obviously put in to inform and educate. I for one very much appreciate you and your posts. I just wished to say thank you for what you do within this forum for others to benefit from. 🇺🇸🫡
It sent an unmistakable message of American weakness and inferiority when goat-herding third world peasants in Afghanistan where mean IQ is barely above mentally retarded proved their superiority over the US during their defeat of the US in 2021. Biden's performance in the debate would have just confirmed to jihadis what they already knew about American weakness and inferiority because they've been observing it for the past three and a half years.