More than 4 years.

2020 - 1st year

2021 - 2nd year

2022 - 3rd year

2023 - 4th year

2024 - 5th year

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yes, thank you for clarifying...you are a purist, I love it...so grateful for all you have done here...huge, deep respect

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Thank you.

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It seemed that it was introduced first in the homeless community. In the winter of 2019,a large push to get homeless people vaccinated for flu started in Nashville TN.

Shortly after lots of these folks had a severe respiratory infection. We called it the "Shelter Virus" it was so contagious that sleeping outside was far safer.

I got lucky and got into a VA shelter until I could find housing.

By January 1st 2020,Iran called all of its exchange students home. China quickly followed suit.

Conspiracy? Maybe. Did folks get sick? Yes.

Maybe it was just the vulnerability of homelessness that added to the count.

It did force our country into lock down.

And terrible things happened while we sheltered in place

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excellent sharing...thank you so very much

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also noticed 5 G towers appeared, did that happened during lockdown?

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hhhmmm, very important...

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It seems so. I recall that Los Angeles got 5 G towers back in 2015,and "Democracy Now" was reporting how dangerous the towers were. 45 pushed 5 G claiming that it would help us compete with China.

I think the big push happened in 2020.

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Very true, but in the case of 5 G, they were the only 'big' voice against it


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An interesting tidbit to check if anyone follow this thread. I read about that only 30% illegal Alians would except the shot. Knowing about the 5 days after the Vax mRNA can be passed to your pets. I lost my big beautiful Maincoon. But sadly a lot of you lost far more than I. Then it would be the same for Human? The Border Patrol put them into the cage to hold them for prossessing. Then released them. I watched the wave of cases move from the Southern Border to the North. In Africa with tribes highly isolated. Omicron somehow raced through Africa in weeks with no deaths. I watch WHO complain about Industrial Countries getting most of the vaccines. My daughter God forbid notices when she got her shot. Nurses we mixing liquids and filling syringes. Was that process correct? Like others she was forced or lose her job because she works In the Medicsl field. There is quite a bit more. I read researchers went to WHO for the electron microscope to test their blood. But the unvaxed high percent had the same damage to their blood. What is the 3 Monkeys Addendum? Over a few years aircraft have been spraying thev said for Global warming. So could that be a delivery method?

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I remember cemtrails starting to make the weird news in about 1944.

Lots of strage things were happening back then.

Clinton had his own police force, big bully boys with Bren 10s .

If they wanted to they spray us and that would be it.

They must need some of us for something.

Breeding Stock?

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This is really good and I haven’t read all of it yet but that’s because I’m cracking up…”headless chickens” 😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂

I wish you’d stop so I can finish😂🤣😂

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thanks...I love your support and it helps us, but more so you help support and educate your fellow people here, and it is so inspiring.

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Thx you always seem to put a smile on my face and I literally crack up at your substack 🤣 because you’re so genuine and especially I really need laughter right now with everything going on❤️🙏❤️Bless you and yours for the fight and with the extra incentive of laughter😂 thx

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huge hugs and love

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I agree, the only thing I cannot explain is :

a few people before 12/2019 claim to have gotten really sick claiming it was Covid

Besides that, didn't see any respiratory illness within the healthy population, a few flu cases in the elderly were called Covid and given the death treatment, graphics on the internet plus media and politicians went on a fear mongering blitzkrieg terrifying people into taking the shots, then the real death began.

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its incredible, had we done NOTHING, far fewer would have died...most, 95% died due to the medical treatment.

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My friend was a victim of the murder for money protocol. An asthmatic that presented with a respiratory illness wasn't allowed to have her own inhaler in the hospital. She was offered remdesavir and a vent and she died. Murder.


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Bless her heart! So many young innocent beautiful people just wiped out of our lives because of greed and evil agendas. I hope I live long enough to see these monsters executed, stamped by a jury and judge!

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no wonder mental illness is spiking, besides here and now, the truth isn't being spoken

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correct and we need folk like you to help us, you are inspiring

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thank you

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Dr. Sam Bailey comments on the idea of Bio-weapons.

When You Wish Upon A "Bio-Weapon"


APR 02, 2024

The longer that the COVID-19 Fraud has been pushed onto the world the more people are waking up to the reality that there was no pandemic. Virology has been dismantled from every possible angle and for many of us the entire virus model has been bid a final “Farewell”.

However, the notion of “pathogens” and “bio-weapons” that are being created through “gain of fiction” experiments continues to strike fear in those yet to realise that the entire concept is based on anti-scientific premises. Unfortunately, stories about “bio-labs” continue to drive unwarranted fears and act to keep people on the germ theory plantation. As a result they remain trapped inside a false paradigm and unable to fully appreciate what really makes people ill.

In this video we will once again outline the complete lack of evidence that bio-weapons exist and how the corporate media has overtly pushed these fear-based narratives since early 2020 to help sustain the “pandemic” industry and all the evil that comes with the biosecurity surveillance state.

Video: https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/when-you-wish-upon-a-bio-weapon

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Really like Sam and Mark Bailey .. their book Virus Mania sheds a lot of light 💡 and all the docs like Robert Cowan and Andy Kaufman explaining same thing. I used to work in “ disease management” for big insurance and began to suspect they are all involved in this scam ! I can’t believe they didn’t know. Listening to international lawyer Todd Calender also revealing. It sure sounds to me like 5G , 6G or whatever G is involved since military can use frequency as weapon. Using “ emergency use authorization” put all those 3 letter agencies under DOD. And going forward Americans better be watching fiorbwhat this regime does re WHO. since resident O’Biden plans to call plandemic treaty an “ agreement” instead to get around the required 3/4 senate vote; they will be able to call anything a health emergency and bypass any sovereignty we have left !

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RESEARCH H7N9!!!!!!!!

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thanks, will look

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I know of H7N9...elevated mortality about 30% but no human to human transmission ever shown. not adapted to humans...to transmit efficiently

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Covid was a cover for H7N9. Dr Jason Dean and John Cullen are unraveling it all. I HIGHLY encourage everyone to watch their work and they provide evidence over on Brave TV (Rumble). H7N9 was released during the Obama administration and was handed over to Trump. THE WHOLE STORY IS LAID OUT FOR US- and WHY Trump hasn’t spilled the beans about the lethal Covid vaccines!!!!! Find John Cullen on X.

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Thx to Rebecca Charles…Here is a link to find out what your state and medical agencies received to kill your loved ones. This was only to initiate the killing and then every kill after that they were incentivized!

Throw this shit in their face…

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Dr. Paul, I have a serious question.

If there was no "pandemic" (I think your right) and the whole early treatment thing was bull shit, then how can we continue to support The Wellness Company grifting off of those falsehoods with fear filled ads like this?:

"Ahead of time get the black Contagion Kit from the Wellness Company and if acutely ill with suspected bird flu, use the guidebook or telemedicine service for instructions on what to do next."

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Here's the link to the substack of which I speak and that fear porn ad comes with a nice picture of an elderly person using a nasal spray.


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What about the Menachery paper? What about the original SARS (which I suspect I may have had back in 2003, as I was in Seattle and a lot of Chinese come and go on that side)? Multiple release theory is plausible, IMO. GoF, I don't know. Maybe it was engineered to have a low CFR so it can spread everywhere, not kill too many people, but be used as an instrument of fear. In fact, a low CFR could result in killing more people, as it gets to spread more and take longer to burn out. SARS and MERS were more lethal, but burned out faster. There is ome thing that is more clear though. The best delivery method for a bioweapon is not a virus; it's a needle.

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Menachery paper is credible...issue is I am asking, is that applicable here? I am beginning to say NO...I also said there is GoF, these fuckers do this all the time, but is it that lethal? but set that aside, is it applicable here and if we say yes, well, where is the proof? ok as to you having SARS 1 in 2003...but what if that is a normal coronavirus...I am talking about this 2020 event...I dont buy it. I learnt lots on biowarfare and I cannot write details here for some is very very sensitive, but pathogen can be placed on a ballistic missile...I learnt...and delivered into a city, over, in sewers etc. as aerosolized etc. there is lots in person we can talk about, I dont want to give the bad guy any ideas...our role is to save lives...but there are bad folk reading my stack too.

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Before 2019 I was on a self destruct mission. After I prepared myself both mental and physically for the flight. I've done more reading in the last four years than my previous 58 and what I've read about GoF leads me to believe that those involved in it know that it's not a viable weapon. Why do I say that? Because the basic law of nature is to survive and pass on your genetic material propagating your species correct? So if an organism is genetically modified to kill everyone it infects that would violate the law. The organism naturally want to survive correct? So what will it do in the wild? It will always mutate to a less deadly more infectious version of itself according to the laws of nature, survive and pass on your genes.

So Dr. Paul, it's very possible they used a modified relatively harmless bug like the common cold virus (corona virus) and released it in several areas and it killed a bunch of people within small areas, towns, cities. Just enough to produce the desired result, a perception something bad was afoot. Along with the great point campaign, death counters on the TV screens and on the radios panic set in. But then it did it's natural thing and mutated to less deadly more infectious versions of itself in line with nature. Just as they reported.

When we've been lied to about so much for so long it's easy to believe your being lied to when they decide to tell you the truth.

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My impresiion has been that the main difference between MERS, SARS, and SARS-2 on one side and normal coronavirus on the other side, is the tendency of the former to induce red blood cell clumping and to attack the alveoli. The red blood cell clumping effect has been looked at multiple papers co-authored by David Scheim. Have there been some not so normal coronaviruses causing ILL illnesses emerging somehow here and there that noone ever heard about? Maybe. And maybe they didn't spread far enough for anyone to notice if they were highly lethal.

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maybe whatever it was had been circulating for years...benign...it is what we did that put pressure on it? selective? the medical management?

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Understand. Multiple release would be plan B, if the thing can't spread globally on its own on the appropriate time schedule. I don't see how they would know ahead of time how far it would spread and whether it would need some assistance, you can do math modelling, but with the stakes involved, they would certainly have plan A (let it spread on its own) and plan B (multiple release). It is possible that low CFR though was a deliberate feature and not a bug; facilitate wide spread so pandemic can be claimed. Then hit larger fatality rates with the vaccine mandates to follow. And bad guys who run the op, can take prophylactic HCQ, not take the shot, and they are cool. No blowback to them.

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Yes, its like those controls spraying Silver Cloride across America for the Climate. You just don't know what you are injesting these Days.

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I wonder what sort of cell infrastructure updates happened in 2003 or the year or two prior there seems to be a lag from when it goes up and these so called SARS "viruses" pop up.


Looks like 2001 we had 3G deployed so a year or two later, yep we have SARS.


This is a pattern no one wants to look at and needs to. To think 6G is right around the corner if we let these assholes keep WiFrying us.

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If they are regularly releasing these things every few years, to gather real world data, it could appear to correlate with cells, which are also increasing in bandwidth over time. If we hypothesize (big stretch) that a certain frequency induces certain mutations, why would it not do so continuously from that point forward indefinitely? If it is the amplitude doing it, i.e. they turn up the "volume" then it isn't the frequency. So anything is possible, but haven't seen anything proving this. Close proximity to cell towers is probably very bad for you though; inverse square law.

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They are planning on installing them in our National Parks “For your safety”, so there will be no place for those impacted to go to recover.

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Whatever it was that I had in 2003 knocked me out for two weeks, altered my taste for a few days, may have had my O2 go down a bit for a few days (i remember opening the windows to get fresh air because I didn't feel right breathing), severe fatigue for two weeks where I could hardly get up to do much, and after recovering dry cough for 4 weeks. It started with a huge fever spike in first couple of days, then settled down to lower level over the next two weeks. Was not very transmissible because my gf at the time didn't get it; I was in her apt for two weeks after the apparent viral replication phase, which didn't last very long, so my guess is virus was probably done by day 3. Very similar to covid, but covid was much milder for me because I treated the hell out of it. Never ever had anything like it between 1992 and 2024. Never had any flus and never took flu shots. So, shit happens and shit goes around, whatever that thing was. But it did seem to be biphasic, kind of like what Shankara Chetty and McCullough described in their papers re covid, first replication with huge fever spike, then cytokine overreaction. All other viral infections I ever had were just annoying sniffles, making me have rolls of toilet paper on my office desk 🙄😂. Maybe some mild fever here and there. I survived it, whatever it was.

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I too had similar respiratory problems but in 2010 lost taste Dr. thought I had pneumonia but after CXR negative took me a month to get over it.

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Dr. Alexander, everything in this piece rings true to me, yet there is something that nags at me. If this was not the product of GoF research, surreptitiously funded by the US, why did Fauci and his ilk work so furiously to obscure its origin? They could have made a genuine contribution to combatting this disaster by trying to find its origin. Instead, everything they did made it worse.

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Well done Paul, you laid it all out mercilessly with some solid insights.

You can be proud of this piece.

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The whole thing was a psyop to get people to fall for the gene therapy. Now that they’ve got the most part of the world injected, the next step is to use that (through the ingredients in the jab) to control you. They want to be God & recreate humans in their image

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Dr. Alexander

It feels so good to know that I have not been alone in having these exact same thoughts all along...from the beginning. Everything we were told was a lie starting with being told that Coronavirus was new...then seeing obviously staged videos of people suddenly falling flat on their faces in China - video obviously taken from someone on the street focusing on the one person they knew in advance would go down. But the real icing on the cake came in March 2020 when I, as a licensed MD, got an email from the CDC instructing us to list Covid as COD is we suspected it may have had anything to do with the death. I had to read the email 3 or 4 times as it was obvious that someone wanted to attribute deaths to Covid. Then in late April the medical literature reported a drop in the big 3 causes of death (heart attack, stroke, pneumonia) with a proportionate increase in death due to a respiratory virus that always caused the commonn cold before. And the revelations went on and on and on.

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Thank you Dr. Alexander. Intertaining to the last Letter. Its like a huge puzzle mixing 4 different boxes of 1000pcs together. There are Sign posts on the way.

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I like you trying to make sense...good news is we still standing to try to make sense...good news is we are not the bad people

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Bingo! All of these "highly educated" researchers who only get funding for what the powers that be want you to say and will fund you for, will argue to the death over the very topic they wasted many years of their life on to get a Phd about, because admitting it is all a lie would cost them their cozy jobs at over priced universities. The whole virus thing... Why is it we have antibiotics for bacteria we can grow in a petri dish that mostly works aside from them becoming antibiotic resistant. But we have useless vaccines that if anything make the world sicker. I am starting to wonder what else in science is a lie. Like the electromagnetic spectrum, starting to think that whole term they coined "non ionizing" radiation is totally BS too. Radiation is radiation is radiation- end of story.

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research today is pure bullshit...most of it...its to keep them happy, rich, padded...thats all...medical doctors showed us in COVID fraud that they would sell their mother for 2$

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all of it. great post

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