Kennedy & Malone? Kirsch? What's this all about? Dr. Peter Breggin & Ginger Breggin are back & ask a serious provoking question: "Robert Kennedy, Steve Kirsch, and Robert Malone: What’s It All About"?
America out Loud, Liberty and Justice: by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin | Apr 22, 2023 | Global, Health, Politics; I share this for it is interesting; I am friends with Bobby K Jr. & Steve Kirsch
First, Dr. Breggin and Ginger are on the mend yet still in recovery phase. Our prayers were answered for at some times, it was scary for Dr. Breggin struggled with COVID pneumonia. We must not forget, we are here because some ill intentioned people made some form of respiratory entity, pathogen (virus?) that has caused death. Using a flawed fraud over-cycled, over-sensitive RT-PCR test (40 to 45 cycles when we knew cycles of 24 and below were the limit as to infectiousness) that was 99% false positive, that is, we were ‘positive’ yet not with culturable, infectious, lethal pathogen. Exactly why we will learn. Whom also. When released also. Multiple of single source release (Couey, Yeadon etc.). The truth is coming. Yet wrong was done with this pathogen (deliberate or accidental release and I say deliberate and I say malfeasance was at play and ‘IS’ at play) and bad people used deadly mRNA technology to bring a gene injection that itself has harmed.
‘The problematic Kennedy and Malone relationship has actively sought out and entangled itself with us. While Robert Malone is suing us for $25 million for alleged defamation — the first and only time in six decades of reform work that anyone has made such an accusation — our business and friendship circle has been actively infiltrated by supporters of Robert F. Kennedy and Robert Malone. Their purpose appears to have been twofold: firstly, to get us to lay off criticizing Robert Malone, even though he’s the one suing and attacking us, and secondly, to stop us from talking about the Kennedy/Malone relationships. We believe these covert influencers are more connected to Robert Kennedy’s organization and interests than Robert Malone’s.
In particular, we shared with them the information that we had found in an important paper published in various places by Robert Malone from January through March 2020. Malone, along with first author Riche, definitively demonstrated that the existing mRNA and DNA vaccines were too dangerous for experimentation on humans. When they kept postponing the release of the news, we finally published the article, “Could This Man Have Saved the World,” on America Out Loud.7
Why would people associated with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. want to suppress information that Robert Malone failed to inform the world that he had known and scientifically proven since January 2020, that all DNA and mRNA vaccines are too dangerous to experiment on humans? We believe if Malone had broadcast that information any time after January 2020, it would have been picked up by the press and potentially prevented millions of COVID vaccine injuries and deaths that continue to emerge today. What is the source of Malone having so much protection, influence, and power even within an “anti-vax” organization?
But we will no longer be intimidated. We increasingly realize the political importance of shedding light on this man who seems, in our opinion, to have successfully muzzled and dismembered much of the health freedom movement in America and perhaps worldwide with fears of being sued and accusations of treating him unfairly. From doctors to journalists, and other outstanding social commentators, everyone we know who has considered being critical of Malone has wrestled with fear of his legal threats and his personal attacks, and most have chosen silence.’
This writing by the Breggins is provoking and adds another dimension and I am for full open transparency and no censorship. I will publish and discuss anything that can add meat to our discussions and global situation especially as to the fraud COVID pandemic and the deadly mRNA technology gene injections.
I wish no aspersions cast on Kennedy or Kirsch, in fact, on no one. This is a well written piece by Breggins and they must be commended. You have the right to read, imbibe, accept or junk. It is up to you.
In fact, I think Kennedy is one of the most principled people around, I stand with him on the anti-COVID vaxxine and I even question the safety of vaccine in general (though not an anti-vaxxer in the classic sense). I am not a liberal or democrat and so IMO, Kennedy belongs to the wrong party as I do not espouse the left’s ideology or even progressives. I am independent, and if I indentify, it is libertarian conservative, social conservative etc., NOT republican for IMO, republicans are as corrupted as democrats. But I like Robert Kennedy and his morality, though I confess while I have done work with him now and shared the stage, I do not know him well. From all I know, I like him and have nothing ill to say. He is a hero to the Freedom Movement for he has shown he has testicles while most could not find theirs.
I do admire Robert Kennedy Jr. deeply. I will not vote for him though. As I said, wrong party. I am for the 2nd and have no interest in the environmental movement in any manner. Not this. Read about the Vostok Ice Core samples first and then came to me to talk environmental global warming. Let me school you on the fraud of it all!
Kennedy wrote this about the Breggin’s book so this must be tabled:
“No other book [than the Breggins’] so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
And yes, Kennedy did connect the dots that Operation Warp Speed (OWS) was a Military Project, a DoD Project. Brilliant!
Start here:
‘One of Robert Malone’s initial wealthy benefactors is Steve Kirsch, who participated in Malone’s early introductory media appearance before freedom-loving people on Dark Horse Podcast on June 19, 2021.1 Since then, Kirsch and Malone have frequently appeared or been associated together in the media.2 We have wondered if Kirsch is helping to fund Malone’s unrelenting travel, hundreds of media appearances, films, and other activities — a virtual unending whirlwind of campaigning with no specifically named goal or outcome other than to gain and consolidate influence over worldwide healthcare matters.
Kirsch and Robert Kennedy
Kirsch is not only very supportive of Malone but has become personally involved in Kennedy’s future career.3 Kirsch has recently announced, “I’m forming a Super PAC to Draft RFK Jr. to run for President.”4 The campaign quickly kicked off on April 19, 2023.
In the meanwhile, Robert Malone became deeply involved with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.5 and his organization, Children’s Health Defense (CHD). Kennedy, a verifiable hero, was kind enough to endorse our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, as the deepest dive into the global conspiracy behind COVID. According to Kennedy:
“No other book [than the Breggins’] so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
In the act of great generosity and a determination to share the truth, Kennedy gave us this endorsement a mere month or two before the publication of his own amazing book, The Real Anthony Fauci. We admire Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and appreciate his support for our work exposing organized global predation.
Kennedy’s book concludes with a flash of brilliant light into the relationship between Warp Speed and its true sponsor, the Department of Defense. The last subtitle in Kennedy’s book is stunning and well-documented: “COVID-19: A Military Project.”
Yet Kennedy’s newsletter, The Defender, features an interview with Robert Malone on August 8, 2021, that discloses how closely and for decades Malone’s work has been tied to the Department of Defense and other Deep State funding.6 According to Malone:
“I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense. I have been deep in the belly of the beast.
“I have won literally billions of dollars for my clients in grants and contracts. I have managed hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and contracts in the vaccine space. …
Infiltrating the Breggins
The problematic Kennedy and Malone relationship has actively sought out and entangled itself with us. While Robert Malone is suing us for $25 million for alleged defamation — the first and only time in six decades of reform work that anyone has made such an accusation — our business and friendship circle has been actively infiltrated by supporters of Robert F. Kennedy and Robert Malone. Their purpose appears to have been twofold: firstly, to get us to lay off criticizing Robert Malone, even though he’s the one suing and attacking us, and secondly, to stop us from talking about the Kennedy/Malone relationships. We believe these covert influencers are more connected to Robert Kennedy’s organization and interests than Robert Malone’s.
In particular, we shared with them the information that we had found in an important paper published in various places by Robert Malone from January through March 2020. Malone, along with first author Riche, definitively demonstrated that the existing mRNA and DNA vaccines were too dangerous for experimentation on humans. When they kept postponing the release of the news, we finally published the article, “Could This Man Have Saved the World,” on America Out Loud.7
Why would people associated with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. want to suppress information that Robert Malone failed to inform the world that he had known and scientifically proven since January 2020, that all DNA and mRNA vaccines are too dangerous to experiment on humans? We believe if Malone had broadcast that information any time after January 2020, it would have been picked up by the press and potentially prevented millions of COVID vaccine injuries and deaths that continue to emerge today. What is the source of Malone having so much protection, influence, and power even within an “anti-vax” organization?
Kennedy/Malone Connections at a Glance
Kennedy has put the Children’s Health Defense emblem on the cover of Malone’s new book. Kennedy is almost certainly responsible for getting Malone his biggest media bonanza as the single scientific and moral commentator for James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas bizarre undercover video interview of a Pfizer executive.8 Kennedy is very close to James O’Keefe, even doing a recent wilderness trek with him in celebration of O’Keefe’s wildly successful Project Veritas indictments of Pfizer.9
Perhaps to establish Malone’s future political credentials, Kennedy’s newsletter, Defender, introduced Malone to the world as the new expert on Fifth Generation Warfare on December 20, 2022.10 The title is “Malone to RFK, Jr.: Americans Have Been Subjected to ‘Military-Grade Information Warfare.’”
Kennedy’s support of Malone has now increased Malone’s visibility as the face of the health freedom movement around the world. Meanwhile, Malone has busied himself since he arrived at the edges of our movement by attacking health freedom leaders and organizations, including Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH; Harvey Risch, MD; Judy Mikovits, MD; Paul Alexander, Ph.D.; and The Wellness Company.11 These attacks have seriously setback and demoralized the loosely formed community. He has also brought his now infamous $25 million defamation lawsuit against us that has intimidated and outright silenced many people.12
Returning to Steve Kirsch, who has inserted himself so deeply into the health freedom movement, for a time promoting the extremely dangerous antidepressant fluvoxamine (trade name, Luvox) for treating COVID-19, a therapeutic approach that I openly opposed based on my own published research and my forensic and clinical experience. The Columbine shooter, Eric Harris, was prescribed and taking this drug at the time he committed the mass murder.13 At first, I thought Kirsch must be a health professional — but he’s a tech multi-millionaire worth an estimated $250,000,000 as of 2007.14
Kirsch, along with Kennedy, has done work in adding to public awareness about the hazards of genetic vaccines. The two of them appear at rallies together.15
Why A Kennedy Presidency Backed by Malone Could End Hope for a Conservative Revolution
Donald Trump has disappointed many people who otherwise support and even love him by not retracting his support for his extraordinarily misguided and harmful COVID-19 policies. The evidence indicates that President Trump was actively conspired against while in office. One of his few trustworthy COVID advisors, Paul Elias Alexander, Ph.D., describes in his book, Presidential Take Down, how the people closest to Trump kept the truth from him and urged him not to challenge the globalist narrative. One of the actual perpetrators, Deborah Birx MD, shamelessly describes in her book, Silent Invasion, how she consciously subverted and obstructed President Trump’s COVID policies by conspiring with his political enemies, lying to him, and doctoring his memos and orders.
President Trump’s failure, in retrospect, to reject his previous COVID policies may be the major impediment to his victory in 2024. In a close presidential election, a Democratic candidate like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is identified as having more traditional Democratic values, would attract many to choose him over Joe Biden. Kennedy, who has been very critical of the vaccine mandates and other COVID policies, would certainly distinguish himself from Biden and Trump in this respect, giving him great potential advantages as a presidential frontrunner.
The problem is that people who surround any Democratic leader today are more eager to undermine and destroy people wrapped in red, white, and blue rather than to work with them toward increasing human freedom. Today’s progressivism, along with globalism, is the very source of the ongoing destruction of the Free World and Western Civilization.
Given public outrage over much that has occurred during COVID-19, Kennedy as a presidential candidate might benefit from the backing of Robert W. Malone MD, who advertises himself as the scientist who “invented the mRNA vaccines.”16 This combination could be lethal to Donald Trump’s attempt at a second term, especially if Trump continues to defend his vaccine policies.
Malone has already remarked that he would not turn down a high government post under any upcoming administration.17 After bragging about his positive relationship with Anthony Fauci in the past, Malone is now attacking Fauci’s decisions. What position would Malone be offered by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.?
At present, it looks like Malone is angling to replace Fauci — but hang onto your hats and think about this: Maybe Malone could be thinking of the Vice-Presidency. Why not? He would seem stunningly qualified compared to Vice President Kamala Harris.
A President Robert F. Kennedy Jr., given his current relationship with Malone, is probably more likely to award Malone any health-related position he wants from the head of DARPA to the director of NIMH or Fauci’s NIAID. Either way, from the analyses of many individuals, including us, he should not be given power over people.18
Where Is Kennedy’s Support of Our Freedom of Speech
On March 27, 2023, Kennedy and his organization, Children’s Health Defense, announced a class action suit against President Biden, Anthony Fauci, and “an ever-growing army of federal officers, at every level of the government.” CHD notes that the government aims to suppress viewpoints that it disfavors and “to silence specific speakers.”
Bobby Kennedy, in your midst, there are people — more than one — bent on suppressing the views of the Breggins — literally instructing and warning us not to criticize Malone nor to link him to you. They temporarily succeeded in slowing down our disclosures about Malone.
Why are so many seemingly powerful people so interested in Malone? Why? To protect Robert Malone? From the Breggins? — that seems a bit absurd. To protect Bobby Kennedy? To discourage people from challenging their relationship?
There has got to be much more going on here than meets the eye. What in the world makes Robert Malone so important and seemingly feared? What in the world has made us into such a threat against the powers behind Malone?
Could it most simply be that Malone and others, including many in Kennedy’s camp, have the task of disrupting the once-vibrant health freedom movement, and when they assessed the freedom movement, there were the Breggins, with their booking hitting the 120,000 sales mark, standing up for a patriotic, Judeo-Christian, freedom-loving, God-imbued America that stands up against globalism, against predatory progressivism, against predatory capitalism, and against the Chinese Communists. It must have seemed like such an unexpected threat to their aims to take over, manipulate, and destroy the health freedom movement — a process that has now been unleashed as if by evil demons.
A great deal of confusion clears with the understanding that at the time Malone became involved with the health freedom movement, it was a vibrant, highly-engaged, Judeo-Christian, patriotic movement — something with which he seemingly had little in common but which he quickly began to dominate and set into conflict. Especially with the success of our book, our many media appearances, and our refusal to shut up — we became a primary target for disrupting this glorious movement. Now is the time to retake our health freedom movement in the process of retaking freedom throughout the world.
Is Malone Creating a New Leadership Specialty for Himself?
Malone has held dearly to his initial concept of mass formation psychosis — the idea that “the masses” must bear the lion’s share of responsibility for succumbing to the worst of the official COVID-19 narrative because they hypnotized themselves into mass psychosis.19 He began threatening me with a lawsuit within weeks of my intellectually challenging the concept. There was nothing personal about it, and I never defamed him — I was simply criticizing his concept.
I criticized the concept of mass psychosis in my columns and the media, expressing concern in particular that it would be used to weaponize psychiatry. Diagnosing large groups of people as psychotic opens the way for one or another political faction to take psychiatric actions against them, such as involuntary incarceration and “treatment.” It also distracts from the wealthy and powerful elite who are actively dominating and exploiting the people — and have been doing so since the dawn of civilization in fiefdoms, kingdoms, slave states, and empires.
Within a few weeks of my criticizing his and Desmet’s mass formation concepts concept, with Malone’s further elaboration of mass formation psychosis, Malone made his first-ever communications to me, all of them threatening.
Why was Malone pushing this seemingly bizarre, unscientific, and historically unjustified concept of mass formation psychosis? Why did he want to risk his credibility by making such a big issue about it, including threatening my freedom of speech?
That Malone has ambitions as an interpreter and leader of the “masses” has become clearer in recent months as Malone has increasingly described himself as an expert on modern propaganda and other means of influencing public opinion and attitudes, which others have already studied and now call Fifth Generation Warfare.20 Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) Michael T. Flynn and Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired) Boone Cutler have written The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (acronym, 5GW). There is no agreed-upon definition and some doubt it exists as a real entity separate, for example, from concepts like propaganda and mind control.21 The emphasis is on conducting war by influencing the minds of those being attacked with reliance on modern technologies like AI and cyberattacks, as well as propaganda.22
Why Malone Has Been Attacking Us So Violently
Ginger and I were probably the first people in the health freedom movement to stand up to Malone in the public square despite his personal and legal threats of retaliation. We continued to criticize his concept of mass formation psychosis, and when we realized how frequently he tried to bully people into stopping their criticism of him, we listed some of the numerous people he has been attacking and intimidating.23
The list of those attacked by Robert Malone, which continues to grow, includes many of the most dedicated freedom fighters in health freedom leadership, such as Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH; Harvey Risch MD, Judy Mikovits Ph.D., The Wellness Company, its founder, and outstanding medical staff. It includes one of the greatest free speech platforms, America Out Loud, and its founder. In short, Malone’s attacks span the most dedicated and liberty-loving people and organizations in the health freedom movement.
Malone’s Fear Strategy
Malone missed several court deadlines for serving us with the suit and received some automatic extensions. This was a shrewd way of holding the suit over us without his going to the expense and the considerable risks of exposing himself to discovery in court in an active suit. But we will no longer be intimidated. We increasingly realize the political importance of shedding light on this man who seems, in our opinion, to have successfully muzzled and dismembered much of the health freedom movement in America and perhaps worldwide with fears of being sued and accusations of treating him unfairly. From doctors to journalists, and other outstanding social commentators, everyone we know who has considered being critical of Malone has wrestled with fear of his legal threats and his personal attacks, and most have chosen silence.
However, after our criticisms, and our refusal to back down when threatened by Malone, many other people worldwide have come forward to critically examine his politics and his dogma of mass formation psychosis. Malone’s inspiration, Mattias Desmet, has also been facing increasing criticism from serious analysts.
Meanwhile, watch for our forthcoming separate and more thorough analysis of Malone’s speech in Sweden on Fifth Dimension Warfare. There are far better alternatives for human communications than Malone’s advocacy of Fifth Dimension Warfare — Learning how to skillfully mislead and manipulate people with clever ruses and fear. Instead, there is following God and our Founders and their great messages and documents. The goal remains to refound America in opposition to collectivism, globalism, and the mounting evil that surrounds and distracts us from fighting back against collectivist, authoritarian, and totalitarian bosses.
We will have difficult times ahead; the predators are on the move. We will be afraid sometimes and inspired at other times. But ultimately, we must stand together against the predators and for our mutual freedom. This is how it has always been for us humans and how it will always be if we are to remain inspired to be free.’
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I am going to be doing a deeper dive on all things RFK Jr. but in the meantime:
According to Robert Kennedy Jr., Climate Skeptics Should be Put in Jail
ADDENDUM: According to Robert Kennedy Jr., Climate Skeptics Should be Put in Jail
ADDENDUM 3: Another Former Associate with Jeffrey Epstein Files to Run for U.S. President in 2024 RFK Jr. has been listed as a passenger on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’, and admits he flew on Epstein’s plane twice... Some questions need to be answered before endorsing characters like this.
Climate ‘Crisis’ is much larger fraud than Covid