America out Loud, Liberty and Justice: by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin | Apr 22, 2023 | Global, Health, Politics; I share this for it is interesting; I am friends with Bobby K Jr. & Steve Kirsch
ADDENDUM 3: Another Former Associate with Jeffrey Epstein Files to Run for U.S. President in 2024 RFK Jr. has been listed as a passenger on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’, and admits he flew on Epstein’s plane twice...
The fools who use politics to guide health are the same fools who had you locked down and pushed vaccine mandates. Politics has no place in health or guiding of health. Please stop connecting health to politics.
Ask RFk Jr if he is blackmailed as Ghislaine Maxwell said they videotaped everyone on that plane and Island and at their parties.
I do not believe that RFK Jr. would run for President if there was any video evidence (or log evidence that Maxwell may possess) that could be used to blackmail him. RFK Jr. is well aware that this kind of evidence would be used against him by the deep state cartel right out of the gate. I do not believe that he is associated with Epstein - it would be ludicrous for him to even consider running if he was involved in Epstein's circle of reprobates.
Slightly off topic.....Dr Paul Alexander needs to push Malones buttons more to provoke a law suit. Then Alexander can get tons of Discovery about Malone and RFK jr!! Lol.
He could expose them both. Lol.
Hopefully the Breggins don’t settle and think of this.
Everyone can change/update their opinions… I used to actually vote for the Greens…
I have since learned better. Kennedy strikes me as someone who can upgrade and update with appropriate information… If I were American he’d have my vote at this point.
Thank you for sharing that. When I heard JFK's campaign speech, he talked about what I believe is REAL pollution-things that were poured into the Hudson destroying the fish as well as the livelihoods of some fishermen. So far, I haven't hear him mention "Climate Change".
People are quick to forget that the WHO/UN/WEF are busy positioning themselves to marry the climate change narrative to the public health narrative. It’s called having control of the whole kitten caboodle.
As evidence of the “intent” behind this marriage of convenience one need look no further than the following, which appeared in the Lancet:
And if you need further confirmation of where this is all headed....have a look at what Janes Madeira of the AMA has to say on the subject....he was hired @2011 as the CEO of the AMA and clearly has been leading that organization to embrace the climate change/public health union.
that's the beauty of this. And of course, all of this is really done to continue to elevate and support physicians. We'll have other crisis. We have an emerging climate crisis, which is really important and probably going to be hugely impactful. We'll be paying great attention to that. Again, our arcs are agnostic to the environment. They can shift to the environment if the climate change impacts, for example, chronic disease, which it will, we will have that arc incorporate the consideration of climate disease in that arc. So I think we're really well-positioned for whatever comes at us with our strategic framework.”
Best to listen to the whole thing to understand that health will soon encompass whatever the WHO chooses to define as the domain of public health....”climate disease.”
Do you suppose they will consider gun violence as a public health issue that requires global action?
Make no mistake....climate change narrative goes hand in hand with the public health narrative they WANT and will ENSURE evolves from the COVID plandemic.
Psst...Go see what Madara was doing before he became head of the AMA. Private equity investing.
The other thing people need to understand is the social impact markets that will accompany the merger of healthcare/climate change whereby human affairs (with the aid of CBDC that allows tracking and tracing from cradle to grave) are dictated by the new financial system and social impact markets and pay for success programs, designed to hand our governance over to the technocrats. After all, they own the machines and the means that they want us entirely dependent upon. But hey, don’t worry they’ll remake the education system in the process so they can train us for their gig economy.
IT IS ALL CONNECTED....and if Kennedy, Malone, Kirsch, Nass or any of the others don’t want you talk in depth about social impact markets and the planned intersection of public health and climate change then it is because they either don’t have a good enough handle on the bigger agenda (unlikely since the process to be fighting the Davos manifest) or they have some interests in fighting only part of the agenda.
And incidentally, they seem to be focused on the vaccine and as of late we also should note they seem to be leaving a lot of room for the off ramp that consists of saying the affair was a colossal bungle by bureaucrats due to capture and corruption.
Yeah, don’t think so. To me that translates to certain MFM individuals wanting us to trust them without verifying. I’ll pass.
I feel like I am shouting into the wind most days.
Are you the Sandra that Celia Farber latched onto the clip of Alison McDowell to say there are some who are overdosing on red pills?
That whole row was depressing. Felt like Celia Farber was just wanting everyone to fawn over RFK, Jr. And then there is Tessa Lena doing the same dance.
Yes, I'm the one who committed wrong think by expressing concerns about RFK Jr. and posting a short clip of Allison's where she made some extremely important points about the first chapter of his book. I was reprimanded for not joining the group think/hopium bandwagon and for not accepting him as our savior. It was truly shocking!! I've never seen anything like that before--all of the sudden a number of substacks flipped from being places for sharing opinions without drama, to full blown propaganda outlets for political campaigns. I'm not familiar with Tessa Lena doing the same (I think I recently became a free subscriber to her substack and then there was a strange post questioning whether the person you support is with the CIA)
I saw that too. Strange. I think the reference was that whoever “Margie” is sometimes comes up as a different name. I was saying she had a right to ask questions without being vilified. Tessa was defending Malone and Nass. And it was over the top with her suggesting that anyone asking questions is doing damage to the “unity” of the MFM. I believe there are some definite legitimate questions that need answering. And I am not CUA. Lol. Tereza ended up quoting me in her substack using my response to Tessa. Celia banned me from her substack for defending Alison. And then let me back on—although I said I’d pass. CosmoAgent may have asked her to do that. But I don’t want to be part of groupthink so that is a hard pass for me.
Tereza Caraggio had a good post yesterday, where she posted a video and read some of her comments to Tessa Lena--she made a lot of good points in it, basically saying that given all that hangs in the balance, we should not prioritize false unity in the MFM over asking serious questions. Truth be told, I don't know how anyone could support Malone. It truly seems like the MFM is being sabotaged from within (Diana West had a good post on that). As for Celia, I can't say I'm shocked at her banning you. She also apparently banned a guy named "Allen," who I don't know, except for reading some of his comments which are excellent and make valid points. After taking the time to respond to Celia's insanity (e.g. those who question RFK are deceived, working for someone or full of despair) and never getting a response, I realized that nobody over there was actually interested in a rational discussion of serious issues. It was just a massive group think operation. And fwiw, I'm actually a clinical psychologist, and I've never seen that amount of gaslighting, manipulation, deception and outright dishonesty--it was really shocking. So, obviously, I never went back.
NOT a fraud! Unfortunately, most of the people crying “fraud” have no real understanding of the climate beyond “Hey, it’s raining today!” or “summer always follows spring”. Urbanites who think carrots and milk come from the grocery store.
The nursery industry is experiencing turmoil and upheaval because of many issues, including the growing disparity of seasonal changes in the southern/southeastern areas of the country and the more northerly areas. Inventories are changing to reflect the need for more drought-hardy plant species and varieties. Is the entire nursery industry populated with climate cultists? Animal and plant habitats are shifting, driving more vulnerable species either into shrinking habitats or closer to human-dominated landscapes. That is driving up both extinction risks and conflict with humans simultaneously. Are wild plants and animals also climate change “cultusts”?
One question of mine which NO climate denier has yet been able to answer is this: how is it possible that over eight billion medium-sized mammals all simultaneously. , as a group, farming, mining, eating, pooping, breathing, creating artificial chemicals and dumping them freely into the environment, ranching, hunting, logging, fishing, covering the ground with concrete and asphalt, burning coal and gas and wood, damming rivers, replacing native habitats with exotic controlled landscapes, and doing hundreds of other things all across the globe, are NOT influencing the climate in any way? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?? I’d love to hear the answer. Especially as it’s established that the actions of all other species, from termites to redwoods, DOES collectively, and over time, influence geochemistry and therefore climate. But human activity is somehow exempt from consequences. I wonder how THAT works??
Hm. Your answer is, in effect, “defer to chosen authority” in response to my request that you reason things out. It’s like Galileo attempting to talk with the church. Who was correct on THAT one? Or are you a flat-earther, too?
Because in order to deny that humans have any affect on climate, you’d have to say that every aspect of the sciences of biochemistry, geochemistry and ecology
as well as climate is completely fake and wrong. That’s a pretty big claim. Or that the Koch Bros and a number of incredibly influential
interests whose wealth and power come from the fossil fuel industry are NOT attempting to influence public opinion against climate change. That’s a pretty tall
claim, as well. Are you saying that the people who want to keep you captive to their profit machines, couldn’t be lying to you the way the pharmaceutical industry is lying to the public about the jab? Since when do we accept whatever narrative Big Anything (including Big Religion) shoves down our throats, as truth?
It was the metabolic action of simple one-celled stromatolites (a few of which still live in very salty Australian ocean bays) that, over millions of years, created earth’s oxygen-rich atmosphere. Yet the quadrillion quadrillion living, metabolizing human cells on the earth right now are completely free of environmental effects? As are all of our other activities, which go beyond any activity engaged in by any other organism? They all count but we don’t.l? Either answer my question of how that can be- give me a reason, not a blind appeal to authority -or admit that I have a point.
You're the one demanding we obey the "experts" not me. The same people who locked down the country and much of the planet want to impose a similar draconian action to "save the planet."
Let me be blunt, they lied then and they are lying now. That's not any appeal; that's common sense.
Of course there is "climate change" from various changes in the environment, but it isn't the fake facts being pushed by activists. The real question should be... Why are the governments and corporations engineering/causing so many of these changes while simultaneously blaming the ill effects on the wrong people? They want to punish humans for climate change, yet corporations and governments are the greatest threat to the environment! Who has been mining and dumping and putting things in the air for profit? Humans living sustainably were usurped by the evolution of corporate and governmental conjoining in a devastation of the environment by greed... Corporations trash the environment, the government comes in after and makes them pay a small fine that is a mere pittance of the profits and repeat cycle with no real accountability! Hide the perpetrators by blaming the victims! I don't know anyone who says that the environment hasn't been changed. The problem is who is actually doing it, how they continue to get away with it, and how they try to blame it on everyone but the real culprits.
Do you follow or have you reached out to real climate scientists? Real people who measure glaciers and snow melt ? The earth is billions of years old and we are but a mere spec for our hopefully 100 years here. Climate ebbs and flows. Cow farts are not destroying our atmosphere. Eating bugs is not the answer. Go back to our roots and eat clean meat from regenerative farms. Chronic disease relatively new - vaccines, environmental toxins, chem trails. God knew what he was doing. Silent Spring? I enjoy multitude of birds calling daily and revel in it. There is no climate crisis. Doesn’t mean I don’t keep trash out of the ocean and keep waste of any kind to a minimum; food especially. I don’t buy ziplock bags and avoid plastic of any kind. I even make my own toothpaste! Peace and love
Hear, hear! Once again, where are the critical thinkers? Or even the humans with common sense? Is that faculty yet another casualty of the sixth mass extinction?
Just curious, do any of these people talk about the scientifically fraudulent PCR test, that drove the entire pandemic psyop, by creating bogus case counts and bogus death counts???
Do any of these people question why the US govt decided to use the fraudulent PCR test?
Do any of these people question why the US govt decided to run the test ta 40-45 cycles?
Do any of these people question why the way we counted cases changed?
Do any of these people question why the way we determined cause of death changed?
Yes, and yet nobody in the health freedom movement is even talking about the crimes the US govt perpetrated on the American people.
In Diana West's piece "Robert Malone A Risk Analysis" she talks about how the govt infiltrates and sabotages movements from within and asks if that is not what we are witnessing right now.
For me, that's a hard YES!!!
When this scam first got started, tons of doctors were calling attention to the bogus PCR test that was driving this whole thing. But now, seems like that has been dropped from the narrative and once again the criminal US govt gets away with it.
And now the resistance is morphing into...mistakes were made, trust those who will do better than the current criminal crew in the FDA/CDC. No thanks....especially when some of them, one in particular, has bragged about his long standing relationships with the dark side of the institutions and intelligence intersections. He wants us to think he is just realizing that our government was up to no good. Seriously? Where was his concern, astute intelligence, family values, concern for humanity, yada, yada, yada....when he was brokering billions in work for the DoD and other agencies he now says are suspect. But notice, he will not say that there was a conspiracy or intent to do harm....nah, just negligence and his hard push to get everyone to think he will be the moral stand up guy to fix what ails us.
Politics people, politics. And a good dose of theatre.
Yes they sabotage from within. A smart brain knows that.. Ghislaine Maxwell states her and Jeffrey Epstein videotaped everyone on the Lolita Express at their island and parties. Politicians elites who make policy to control. DoJ of lots of countries dirtied with those blackmailed.
Robert Kennedy said that. Pantheon is a company that is tied with big pharma clinical trials etc. Perfect place for CIA tentacles to go for technologies to control. They did MK Ultra in the USA and Canada. New technologies need to experimented with. Not just clinical trials. Hardly think they enroll people to experiment with microchips or havana syndrome microwaves.
Erin Elizabeth twitter check her out. Things started long before covid, New biological technologies around long time unknown of course for years.
I am generally in favor of supporting anyone throwing grenades in the right direction, but the time has come for everybody to show their cards. The Kennedy family is largely responsible for creating vaccine legal immunity. Bobby has endorsed the Ukraine military adventure by sending his son over there for a photoshoot pretending to be a soldier in action. I guess now he is having his doubts.
Malone is a weasel, a fox in the henhouse. People need to sharpen their senses- we have gotten too lazy and trusting. Kirsch, I'm not too sure of, maybe just a sucker for attention and is being steered in the wrong directions. Seems like he spends a lot of time with "debate me" for money rather than expose the truth.
Keep going down the rabbit hole good doctor. The "let's all play nice" crowd needs to wake up from their slumber and realize we are only at the first phase of this operation to change humanity.
fwiw- J.J. Couey did a very interesting video a few days ago that looked at that video where Malone and Kirsch were on Brett Weinstein's DarkHorse podcast--I've never listened to J.J. Couey before but I found this insights to be quite interesting:
Malone and Kirsch on DARKHORSE Forgotten Friday -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Stream ("unmasking experts")
JJCouey seems to think the entire thing was pre-scripted, as they right away tell the sheep viewers that they too can have a close conversations without masks if they are vaxxed or taking ivermectin. Seems to follow a tight script, never mentioning the PCR fraud, Vit C, zinc, or deaths from Remdesivir.
Sage Hana has a short clip from the video. And on this post or a prior one seems to have caught Malone with some problems in his injection story timeline.
Also, Diana West's "Robert Malone A Risk Analysis" is worth a read, especially her comments on infiltration and subverted opposition.
Found this question at Tereza Corragio's substack: Last, a question: with Malone and Kennedy, who controls who? Is Steve Kirsch’s superPAC for Kennedy’s run for President a way of keeping him on a leash?
You can blame vaccine immunity on Ronald Reagan. I once thought he was a great president, I don’t think so now. Lots of other sinister things about his administration, check out the approval of aspartame for one. It seems they all become corrupt or are blackmailed once they get into office. The only savior I have is Jesus Christ. Looking forward to His return.
They are all corrupt. When people realize that you dontt trust any of them. 5% of politicians will try to do things right but fail to expose the 95% either because they are threatened or blackmailed or love money and power.
Remember Watergate where Nixon forced to resigned. They don't do that now. Why not ? Was Jeffrey Epstein central to that happening where politicians blatantly lie corrupt police cover up media lies and documents ae falsified but nothing happens. No jail to them. Blackmail huge.
I was following Malone from the start. I started getting uneasy with such a large amount of I’s & me’s. Then the 25m lawsuit dropped. Sunlight is a great disinfectant. Malone is ALL about Malone. I followed Steve Kirsch early too. He’s done good things, is there a but?
Steve has put in a great amount of time and money to stop the clot shots.
President Trump like most Americans is a victim of the illegal Dr. Mengele Fraudci clot shot scam. They lied to him too. When he tried to discuss repurposed drugs to help save American lives he was attacked savagely by the usual suspects.
Dr. Fraudci was heavily involved in stopping any inexpensive drug that would interfere with EUA and sole power to distribute the clot shots under EUA.
Sunlight the forgotten natural medicine that Florence Nightengale used but ignored in the UK in favor of lockdowns and fining people outdoors in the sunlight and hiding elderly in care homes with masks no sunshine and midazolin. Ah the hypocrisy of medicine.
I am no longer affiliated with any party, but will vote for Kennedy based solely on Covid, medical tyranny and the fact that he is not afraid to go after corporations who loot and pollute the environment. We are still using Roundup??? around the world, not to mention other chemicals in farming, and this needs to stop. We all need clean water.
Thanks for voting for the alternative means of control, energy. Kennedy is a Gorebull Warmer and having your energy controlled isn't much different from having your health controlled. Don't be a sucker.
Oh so you want to move on from the ChiCom virus masters to their second iteration with Global Warming / climate change. Welcome to the new boss, same as the old boss.
The deepstate will never let RFKJr win the primary.
Biden will never be Anti-vax... so all of this is nonsense.. TL,DR;
All to distract us from staying focused on getting JUSTICE for the bioweapons release. Covid was a bioweapon developed in North Carolina. The shots were a bioweapon pushed by the DoD under both Trump and Biden. now what? RFKJr? Malone? who cares. no one person will save us.
China is a distraction. Our enemy is Tyranny. It's right here in the US. They use China as a patsy, when they know the Tyranny is straight from the US.
Dr. Alexander, I hold you in the highest regard and have supported you via a paid subscription since you first appeared on Substack. The cross currents and apparent misinformation campaign on our side of the Covid Plandemic is very troubling. I have been an ardent follower of all of the people mentioned in your post and in the Breggins article and find it extremely difficult to parse the good from the bad. I cannot for the life of me figure out how Kirsch and Kennedy are anything but pure of heart and spend every waking moment trying to expose the darkness that we all know pervades this earth. Malone certainly has questionable issues in his past and could certainly be deep state but I struggle to place him squarely in that camp. I will contine to look to you to expose the truth and wish you God's Speed.
Outraged Human’s substack has quite the deep dive on Malone with links for those who want TRUTH on that nightmare!
Kirsch…NOT sure about him because of being dumped from his substack for a month for talk of the need for UNITY of the Right side IF YOU WANT TO WIN which has NOT happened! ALL so bizarre!
Kennedy…a democrat! NOT pro life? If not, am running for the hills as am sick and tired of all the death and destruction of BIOTERRORISM Theatre AND now abortions in some areas allowed up to 9 months! Also, the democrat party is the CCP! Might want to tell Kennedy!
Breggins…sincere, God loving persons who want to work towards restoring our Freedoms!
Who the hell would hang around any nut jobs wanting to sue them for 25 million?
My Sunday reflection on the RIGHT side of America…a holy, holy mess that visibly does not give a damn about what Freedom means!!!
For EVERYONE today with any critical thinking brain cells left…
Power and Control. It is present in all endeavors. In the Health Freedom movement it is clearly happening. What is the end game? Supression of all things counter to the push to inject and experiment on the human race could account for Dr. Malone's voice being muffled in 2020?. They destroyed Luc Montagnier in 2020! The DOD/CIA bio exercise has trumped all else. Is there light at the end of the medical propaganda tunnel? Is RFK Jr. the path to stopping the injections? Is that what Kirsch and Malone see? Does Dr. Malone have his sight on revamping the CDC? Take it down to the studs and remake it? Billions and billions are being invested to make the mRNA route the new disease treatment route for the 21st century. The push back to those who want it stopped will be relentless. Clearly, the mass phycosis was preplanned and implemented by manipulating the media and gas lighting the public. Why he is on the dark side on this needs to be explained. Is he walking a tight rope for reasons not known? One mRNA insider has expressed that we have been injecting horses, dogs and hogs without adverse effects for years. Is it true.? The animals can't tell us. I do not know, but the injection of humans is raising RED flags and no one is listening. It is full steam ahead to have the FDA approve more mRNA injections for a variety of diseases. The profit motive trumps good medicine and has intensified over the last 30 years.
Pantheon is with the CiA. Thermo Fischer caught giving DNA to Chinese who were collecting it EpwHy and what reason to take people's DNA. Covid tests great for that
If you are really interested in RFK Jr’s own words, Search Twitter. Use the Wayback Machine. I can’t post links here, but his Tweets haven’t yet been scrubbed.
Kennedy praised the lockdowns for the beneficial effect on pollution. While in Germany, he called for jailing ppl who dare voice dissent on Climate Change. The man is a fanatic. He is an elite and a hypocrite.
He commented on the change in pollution, which we noticed too as did many around the world. But in no way he advocated for lockdowns to continue. He has talked in many interviews about the complete devastation of the lockdowns to humanity.
That tweet is about concerns over weakening government regulations on emissions and worsening of air quality compared to conditions before the lockdown. "A Dirty Economic Restart." Again, it is the nuance, not the extremist interpretation of these words. For example, if we had spent time on making more economic hybrid battery gasoline engine cars during the "pandemic" and incentivizing those rather than pushing electric only cars, so much more good could have been accomplished for the environment. For example, that is the position Toyota has been taking as they don't buy into the all in vision of electric vehicles.
RFK Jr. is all in to replace the ChiCom Virus lockdowns with global warming lockdown. He has a book out about his global warming/climate change globalist solution.
JFKJr's on book Fauci and COVID measures criticized lockdowns heavily and was banned off of Amazon. He talked about this in the announcement speech this week. He is not supportive of lockdowns as a solution to anything.
His main thrust here seems to be contamination and pollution. But he will clearly get drawn into debate on the climate science, hopefully in a good way. I don't see him as a fanatic but someone who needs to hear more from other climate scientists and scholars on long cycle earth eras of cooling and warming that could be spuriously correlated with any current century trends in warming. I don't think he is advocating for social credit on climate in any way as are the globalists. Nor banning gas stoves or closing nuclear plants or mandating 15 minute cities for example. The views are far more nuanced. Interestingly we are hearing so much more on the complete lack of evidence that we are in a warming phase or that the poles are warming, they are cooling again apparently. Thanks for the link Sandra.
I'm not one of those people. I do support the work of Randall Carlson, Robert Schoch and colleagues on the history of earth geological cycles, solar and celestial activity and historical catastrophism. From those perspectives human carbon has nothing to do with earth climate fluctuations. Carbon has nothing to do with pollution.
I wish more people followed the work of Randall Carlson and Robert Schoch--their information is fascinating. And I certainly wish more knew about historical catastrophism.
How anyone who supports abortion can be described as moral is a mystery.
I have little doubt that Kennedy would happily lock us all into 15 minute cities in an ignorant, malevolent and ultimately deadly attempt to achieve Net Zero gas emissions. We need more C02, not less.
I’m sick unto death of hypocrites and elites. Kennedy is both.
It's very sad when you teach your children morals and the woke propaganda in schools uses hypocrisy and lies to destroy good moral principles. This woke mind set is needed for control.
The problem is everyone has been over analyzing the whole covid debacle. The virus circulated since Oct of 2019. It was spreading long before the fear started. The Chinese tried to link 47 deaths to a mysterious pathogen in a country of over a billion. Foolhardy. The PCR test by Drosten is peer reviewed 1 day which is impossible to do. Canadian Military made sick in Wuhan military games so more might be involved then just a virus. Microwaves at the military can make you sicker. Ask the Havana syndrome diplomats about that. Vombine that with a flu virus or cold and bang...sicker.
The vaccine is started based on 47 cases. They used ventilators right away that killed for SARS 1. Not a good approach then for a virus that shares same similar genomes as SARS 1. . Were the Chinese citizens getting MRNA covid vaccine in late 2019 masquerading as the flu shot?
Smart brains ask serious questions. First covid cases from Wuhan directly to Canada late January 2020 is mild. Unless fear was used these cases would never have been tested or known. They would have stayed home a day or continued like we did with cold viruses. Went to work.
FEAR Killed. Ventilators KILLED. Experimental drugs like rendesivir KILLED. Denial of antibiotics KILLED or the delay KILLED. Any good doctors like to tell how if you are delayed antibiotics it can go to the kidneys and become sepsis. SO delaying treatment because of fear and closed doctors offices killled not a deadly virus or euthanasia of patients killed by upping the medication. Let's face it we know doctors have killed patients pre covid by upping medication. Don't hide that fact. We know midazolam used to kill. Midazolam causes respiratory distress which is perfect cover for a respiratory virus claim.
Let's focus on the real issues instead of back stabbing credibility of experts and not over analyze. Relax take a breath and focus on all that ranspired. The data exposed influenza B causing same covid symptoms but since ventilators not pushed before the fear people survived . No denial of antibiotics either. Doctors offices open and people living normally with colds and Flu,
Let's use common sense. Only 47 cases in China with over a billion people yet its been spreading for months and a vaccine is conveniently started right away for 47 cases. Anyone want to buy a BRAIN. A pcr test that can't detect infectious is peer reviewed in one day that will set the stage for cases cases cases that are mild from the very epi center Wuhan and many no symptoms based on this test that the chinese provided.
A novel coronavirus with fake people dropping dead in China yet run everyone to get a novel vaccine for that novel coronavirus they know nothing about. Sounds smart.,.No way. Intelligence reigns Supreme.
I strongly disagree with you, @Thomas Lewis. At this point, the Democratic Party has become the Communist Party of America, which espouses hate toward the foundation of this country and supports her destruction to no end. If RFK, JR is a decent patriot, he should leave the Democratic Party immediately. Anything less is a proof he is hopeless.
Let me repeat: After the 2020 election frauds committed by Democrats en masse, anyone who does not denounce Democratic Party is a traitor.
Agreed that the Democratic Party as it stands and as it is in complete decline, thorough corruption, and in complete destruction mode must go. They betrayed their base and the entire country. RFKJr would be its last hope to take it back to earlier roots and to a modern centrism, simpler smaller federal government, breaking up of corporate control over government, and complete support of the US Constitution.
Thank you for that Thomas Lewis. From someone with greatest respect for Dr. Alexander, RFKJr, Dr. Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch and the Breggins. As the Kennedy24 tagline recommends: Heal The Divide.
My greatest wish is that Dr. Alexander's many talents are focused on being part of the solutions going forward.
Bob Malone has talked in many interviews about his wonderment and surprise that the mRNA products went on in deep development long after he lost control of the patents and resurfaced during COVID as a vaccine platform. As a scientist he assumed that many of the initial problems might have been solved. Enough to take the vaccine himself. He learned the hard way, with his own health jeopardized, that was not the case. I can understand how the inventor in him might have hoped that some other gifted groups of scientists might have innovated improvements long past his involvement in the deep past. I can understand too how seriously disappointed, outraged and disgusted he must be to have discovered that all ethics, safety, and warnings in the past were ignored by the DOD & NIH & pharma funders of the modern mRNA construct.
Dr. Alexander please reach out to Dr. Malone and to RFKJr for a private conversation and resolve your concerns in that manner rather than playing out personal conflicts on Substack and Twitch where so many assumptions and incorrect understanding of the details and timelines are being amplified.
Dr. Alexander you are doing great work in your discussions with Dr. JJ Couey on the purified infectious clones construct and how that might have been implemented and explain a lot of disparate phenomena including how every theorist out there is just a little bit right and a little bit wrong. Your conversations on that angle are riveting and brilliant. That would be the rabbit hole I would choose to pursue.
Except that I find that a lot of claimed "disparities" are not in fact true, and are misinterpretations or misrepresentations of the timeline or lack of diving deep into the text and speech of Dr. Malone's background. I see too many errors being made by so many of the folks wanting to see something dark and sinister.
Yes Malone had his eyes opened to the horrors of how MRNA technology was being used. That's simple to realize. He helped invent it. But look at what happened. Can people focus on true human behavior.
"Their purpose appears to have been twofold: firstly, to get us to lay off criticizing Robert Malone, even though he’s the one suing and attacking us, and secondly, to stop us from talking about the Kennedy/Malone relationships. "
Nice little trick. What came first, the personal attacks, or the lawsuit. Yet, this wording implies otherwise. If the Breggins had not personally attacked Malone, there would be no lawsuit.
"We believe if Malone had broadcast that information any time after January 2020, it would have been picked up by the press and potentially prevented millions of COVID vaccine injuries and deaths that continue to emerge today."
Utter nonsense and shame on anyone promoting this fantasy. When Malone went public he was absolutely attacked by the media and anyone who was talking to him was also attacked (i.e. Joe Rogan). Dr Yeadon came out very early in 2020 saying that the vaccines were going to be dangerous and there was no need for them. As former C-level Pfizer exec you would think he would have garnered some media attention? Nothing. Nada.
For Breggins to assert that Malone saying something in 2020 would amount to anything is pathetic revisionism and fantasy.
I also find it stunningly naive for people to claim an inventor of something 20 years prior will be privy to inside knowledge of the details of derivatives of that invention despite 20 years of advancement and changes. Again, there seems to be a big break from reality here.
This still looks like an academic dispute over the psychology of totalitarianism and a bunch of hurt egos trying to stake a permanent claim over a newer grass roots movement which is reacting to the public health disaster of the prior 3 years.
big egos and personal attacks. Very sad on all counts TBH.
I am going to be doing a deeper dive on all things RFK Jr. but in the meantime:
According to Robert Kennedy Jr., Climate Skeptics Should be Put in Jail
ADDENDUM: According to Robert Kennedy Jr., Climate Skeptics Should be Put in Jail
ADDENDUM 3: Another Former Associate with Jeffrey Epstein Files to Run for U.S. President in 2024 RFK Jr. has been listed as a passenger on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’, and admits he flew on Epstein’s plane twice... Some questions need to be answered before endorsing characters like this.
The fools who use politics to guide health are the same fools who had you locked down and pushed vaccine mandates. Politics has no place in health or guiding of health. Please stop connecting health to politics.
Ask RFk Jr if he is blackmailed as Ghislaine Maxwell said they videotaped everyone on that plane and Island and at their parties.
I do not believe that RFK Jr. would run for President if there was any video evidence (or log evidence that Maxwell may possess) that could be used to blackmail him. RFK Jr. is well aware that this kind of evidence would be used against him by the deep state cartel right out of the gate. I do not believe that he is associated with Epstein - it would be ludicrous for him to even consider running if he was involved in Epstein's circle of reprobates.
Slightly off topic.....Dr Paul Alexander needs to push Malones buttons more to provoke a law suit. Then Alexander can get tons of Discovery about Malone and RFK jr!! Lol.
He could expose them both. Lol.
Hopefully the Breggins don’t settle and think of this.
Everyone can change/update their opinions… I used to actually vote for the Greens…
I have since learned better. Kennedy strikes me as someone who can upgrade and update with appropriate information… If I were American he’d have my vote at this point.
Did RFK Jr. Say All Climate Change Deniers Should Be Put In Jail?
(Watch Out for Propaganda (Remember, We Are in an Information War)
Thank you for sharing that. When I heard JFK's campaign speech, he talked about what I believe is REAL pollution-things that were poured into the Hudson destroying the fish as well as the livelihoods of some fishermen. So far, I haven't hear him mention "Climate Change".
You are so welcome.....lots of different opinions....I like to read from many substacks....get more accurate info this way, I find.....
Climate ‘Crisis’ is much larger fraud than Covid
It IS part of the COVID fraud/chronicles....
People are quick to forget that the WHO/UN/WEF are busy positioning themselves to marry the climate change narrative to the public health narrative. It’s called having control of the whole kitten caboodle.
As evidence of the “intent” behind this marriage of convenience one need look no further than the following, which appeared in the Lancet:
And if you need further confirmation of where this is all headed....have a look at what Janes Madeira of the AMA has to say on the subject....he was hired @2011 as the CEO of the AMA and clearly has been leading that organization to embrace the climate change/public health union.
In Madara’s words (pay close attention people):
that's the beauty of this. And of course, all of this is really done to continue to elevate and support physicians. We'll have other crisis. We have an emerging climate crisis, which is really important and probably going to be hugely impactful. We'll be paying great attention to that. Again, our arcs are agnostic to the environment. They can shift to the environment if the climate change impacts, for example, chronic disease, which it will, we will have that arc incorporate the consideration of climate disease in that arc. So I think we're really well-positioned for whatever comes at us with our strategic framework.”
Best to listen to the whole thing to understand that health will soon encompass whatever the WHO chooses to define as the domain of public health....”climate disease.”
Do you suppose they will consider gun violence as a public health issue that requires global action?
Make no mistake....climate change narrative goes hand in hand with the public health narrative they WANT and will ENSURE evolves from the COVID plandemic.
Psst...Go see what Madara was doing before he became head of the AMA. Private equity investing.
The other thing people need to understand is the social impact markets that will accompany the merger of healthcare/climate change whereby human affairs (with the aid of CBDC that allows tracking and tracing from cradle to grave) are dictated by the new financial system and social impact markets and pay for success programs, designed to hand our governance over to the technocrats. After all, they own the machines and the means that they want us entirely dependent upon. But hey, don’t worry they’ll remake the education system in the process so they can train us for their gig economy.
IT IS ALL CONNECTED....and if Kennedy, Malone, Kirsch, Nass or any of the others don’t want you talk in depth about social impact markets and the planned intersection of public health and climate change then it is because they either don’t have a good enough handle on the bigger agenda (unlikely since the process to be fighting the Davos manifest) or they have some interests in fighting only part of the agenda.
And incidentally, they seem to be focused on the vaccine and as of late we also should note they seem to be leaving a lot of room for the off ramp that consists of saying the affair was a colossal bungle by bureaucrats due to capture and corruption.
Yeah, don’t think so. To me that translates to certain MFM individuals wanting us to trust them without verifying. I’ll pass.
Thank you for taking the time to post such a thorough comment--I completely agree with you on all of this!
I feel like I am shouting into the wind most days.
Are you the Sandra that Celia Farber latched onto the clip of Alison McDowell to say there are some who are overdosing on red pills?
That whole row was depressing. Felt like Celia Farber was just wanting everyone to fawn over RFK, Jr. And then there is Tessa Lena doing the same dance.
Yes, I'm the one who committed wrong think by expressing concerns about RFK Jr. and posting a short clip of Allison's where she made some extremely important points about the first chapter of his book. I was reprimanded for not joining the group think/hopium bandwagon and for not accepting him as our savior. It was truly shocking!! I've never seen anything like that before--all of the sudden a number of substacks flipped from being places for sharing opinions without drama, to full blown propaganda outlets for political campaigns. I'm not familiar with Tessa Lena doing the same (I think I recently became a free subscriber to her substack and then there was a strange post questioning whether the person you support is with the CIA)
I saw that too. Strange. I think the reference was that whoever “Margie” is sometimes comes up as a different name. I was saying she had a right to ask questions without being vilified. Tessa was defending Malone and Nass. And it was over the top with her suggesting that anyone asking questions is doing damage to the “unity” of the MFM. I believe there are some definite legitimate questions that need answering. And I am not CUA. Lol. Tereza ended up quoting me in her substack using my response to Tessa. Celia banned me from her substack for defending Alison. And then let me back on—although I said I’d pass. CosmoAgent may have asked her to do that. But I don’t want to be part of groupthink so that is a hard pass for me.
Tereza Caraggio had a good post yesterday, where she posted a video and read some of her comments to Tessa Lena--she made a lot of good points in it, basically saying that given all that hangs in the balance, we should not prioritize false unity in the MFM over asking serious questions. Truth be told, I don't know how anyone could support Malone. It truly seems like the MFM is being sabotaged from within (Diana West had a good post on that). As for Celia, I can't say I'm shocked at her banning you. She also apparently banned a guy named "Allen," who I don't know, except for reading some of his comments which are excellent and make valid points. After taking the time to respond to Celia's insanity (e.g. those who question RFK are deceived, working for someone or full of despair) and never getting a response, I realized that nobody over there was actually interested in a rational discussion of serious issues. It was just a massive group think operation. And fwiw, I'm actually a clinical psychologist, and I've never seen that amount of gaslighting, manipulation, deception and outright dishonesty--it was really shocking. So, obviously, I never went back.
The Climate alarmist avoid actual date.
NOT a fraud! Unfortunately, most of the people crying “fraud” have no real understanding of the climate beyond “Hey, it’s raining today!” or “summer always follows spring”. Urbanites who think carrots and milk come from the grocery store.
The nursery industry is experiencing turmoil and upheaval because of many issues, including the growing disparity of seasonal changes in the southern/southeastern areas of the country and the more northerly areas. Inventories are changing to reflect the need for more drought-hardy plant species and varieties. Is the entire nursery industry populated with climate cultists? Animal and plant habitats are shifting, driving more vulnerable species either into shrinking habitats or closer to human-dominated landscapes. That is driving up both extinction risks and conflict with humans simultaneously. Are wild plants and animals also climate change “cultusts”?
One question of mine which NO climate denier has yet been able to answer is this: how is it possible that over eight billion medium-sized mammals all simultaneously. , as a group, farming, mining, eating, pooping, breathing, creating artificial chemicals and dumping them freely into the environment, ranching, hunting, logging, fishing, covering the ground with concrete and asphalt, burning coal and gas and wood, damming rivers, replacing native habitats with exotic controlled landscapes, and doing hundreds of other things all across the globe, are NOT influencing the climate in any way? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?? I’d love to hear the answer. Especially as it’s established that the actions of all other species, from termites to redwoods, DOES collectively, and over time, influence geochemistry and therefore climate. But human activity is somehow exempt from consequences. I wonder how THAT works??
Who says any of the weather can be changed or is changed by anything man does?
How do you know what people's poop, piss, etc. has anything to do with climate?
Oh yeah, because you were told so over and over again by the same people who said to take the experimental clot shot.
No thanks.
Hm. Your answer is, in effect, “defer to chosen authority” in response to my request that you reason things out. It’s like Galileo attempting to talk with the church. Who was correct on THAT one? Or are you a flat-earther, too?
Because in order to deny that humans have any affect on climate, you’d have to say that every aspect of the sciences of biochemistry, geochemistry and ecology
as well as climate is completely fake and wrong. That’s a pretty big claim. Or that the Koch Bros and a number of incredibly influential
interests whose wealth and power come from the fossil fuel industry are NOT attempting to influence public opinion against climate change. That’s a pretty tall
claim, as well. Are you saying that the people who want to keep you captive to their profit machines, couldn’t be lying to you the way the pharmaceutical industry is lying to the public about the jab? Since when do we accept whatever narrative Big Anything (including Big Religion) shoves down our throats, as truth?
It was the metabolic action of simple one-celled stromatolites (a few of which still live in very salty Australian ocean bays) that, over millions of years, created earth’s oxygen-rich atmosphere. Yet the quadrillion quadrillion living, metabolizing human cells on the earth right now are completely free of environmental effects? As are all of our other activities, which go beyond any activity engaged in by any other organism? They all count but we don’t.l? Either answer my question of how that can be- give me a reason, not a blind appeal to authority -or admit that I have a point.
You're the one demanding we obey the "experts" not me. The same people who locked down the country and much of the planet want to impose a similar draconian action to "save the planet."
Let me be blunt, they lied then and they are lying now. That's not any appeal; that's common sense.
Of course there is "climate change" from various changes in the environment, but it isn't the fake facts being pushed by activists. The real question should be... Why are the governments and corporations engineering/causing so many of these changes while simultaneously blaming the ill effects on the wrong people? They want to punish humans for climate change, yet corporations and governments are the greatest threat to the environment! Who has been mining and dumping and putting things in the air for profit? Humans living sustainably were usurped by the evolution of corporate and governmental conjoining in a devastation of the environment by greed... Corporations trash the environment, the government comes in after and makes them pay a small fine that is a mere pittance of the profits and repeat cycle with no real accountability! Hide the perpetrators by blaming the victims! I don't know anyone who says that the environment hasn't been changed. The problem is who is actually doing it, how they continue to get away with it, and how they try to blame it on everyone but the real culprits.
Do you follow or have you reached out to real climate scientists? Real people who measure glaciers and snow melt ? The earth is billions of years old and we are but a mere spec for our hopefully 100 years here. Climate ebbs and flows. Cow farts are not destroying our atmosphere. Eating bugs is not the answer. Go back to our roots and eat clean meat from regenerative farms. Chronic disease relatively new - vaccines, environmental toxins, chem trails. God knew what he was doing. Silent Spring? I enjoy multitude of birds calling daily and revel in it. There is no climate crisis. Doesn’t mean I don’t keep trash out of the ocean and keep waste of any kind to a minimum; food especially. I don’t buy ziplock bags and avoid plastic of any kind. I even make my own toothpaste! Peace and love
Hear, hear! Once again, where are the critical thinkers? Or even the humans with common sense? Is that faculty yet another casualty of the sixth mass extinction?
More money to steal and easier to lock down.
Right, but apparently nobody cares.
Viruses mutate and the crisis has to wind down as Farrs Law of epidemiology says that. So climate scam is easier to push and push and push
Just curious, do any of these people talk about the scientifically fraudulent PCR test, that drove the entire pandemic psyop, by creating bogus case counts and bogus death counts???
Do any of these people question why the US govt decided to use the fraudulent PCR test?
Do any of these people question why the US govt decided to run the test ta 40-45 cycles?
Do any of these people question why the way we counted cases changed?
Do any of these people question why the way we determined cause of death changed?
Seems like we are letting the US govt completely off the hook for the massive fraud they deliberately perpetrated on the American people.
The fraud is central to all of this and government contracted l to commit a crime on the people.
Yes, and yet nobody in the health freedom movement is even talking about the crimes the US govt perpetrated on the American people.
In Diana West's piece "Robert Malone A Risk Analysis" she talks about how the govt infiltrates and sabotages movements from within and asks if that is not what we are witnessing right now.
For me, that's a hard YES!!!
When this scam first got started, tons of doctors were calling attention to the bogus PCR test that was driving this whole thing. But now, seems like that has been dropped from the narrative and once again the criminal US govt gets away with it.
And now the resistance is morphing into...mistakes were made, trust those who will do better than the current criminal crew in the FDA/CDC. No thanks....especially when some of them, one in particular, has bragged about his long standing relationships with the dark side of the institutions and intelligence intersections. He wants us to think he is just realizing that our government was up to no good. Seriously? Where was his concern, astute intelligence, family values, concern for humanity, yada, yada, yada....when he was brokering billions in work for the DoD and other agencies he now says are suspect. But notice, he will not say that there was a conspiracy or intent to do harm....nah, just negligence and his hard push to get everyone to think he will be the moral stand up guy to fix what ails us.
Politics people, politics. And a good dose of theatre.
Yes they sabotage from within. A smart brain knows that.. Ghislaine Maxwell states her and Jeffrey Epstein videotaped everyone on the Lolita Express at their island and parties. Politicians elites who make policy to control. DoJ of lots of countries dirtied with those blackmailed.
Ask why Pantheon is connected to the CIA. Does the CIA use Pantheon to further bioweapons? MK Ultra modernized with new technology.
First I've heard of Pantheon. Could you please elaborate?
Robert Kennedy said that. Pantheon is a company that is tied with big pharma clinical trials etc. Perfect place for CIA tentacles to go for technologies to control. They did MK Ultra in the USA and Canada. New technologies need to experimented with. Not just clinical trials. Hardly think they enroll people to experiment with microchips or havana syndrome microwaves.
Erin Elizabeth twitter check her out. Things started long before covid, New biological technologies around long time unknown of course for years.
I am generally in favor of supporting anyone throwing grenades in the right direction, but the time has come for everybody to show their cards. The Kennedy family is largely responsible for creating vaccine legal immunity. Bobby has endorsed the Ukraine military adventure by sending his son over there for a photoshoot pretending to be a soldier in action. I guess now he is having his doubts.
Malone is a weasel, a fox in the henhouse. People need to sharpen their senses- we have gotten too lazy and trusting. Kirsch, I'm not too sure of, maybe just a sucker for attention and is being steered in the wrong directions. Seems like he spends a lot of time with "debate me" for money rather than expose the truth.
Keep going down the rabbit hole good doctor. The "let's all play nice" crowd needs to wake up from their slumber and realize we are only at the first phase of this operation to change humanity.
fwiw- J.J. Couey did a very interesting video a few days ago that looked at that video where Malone and Kirsch were on Brett Weinstein's DarkHorse podcast--I've never listened to J.J. Couey before but I found this insights to be quite interesting:
Malone and Kirsch on DARKHORSE Forgotten Friday -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Stream ("unmasking experts")
JJCouey seems to think the entire thing was pre-scripted, as they right away tell the sheep viewers that they too can have a close conversations without masks if they are vaxxed or taking ivermectin. Seems to follow a tight script, never mentioning the PCR fraud, Vit C, zinc, or deaths from Remdesivir.
Sage Hana has a short clip from the video. And on this post or a prior one seems to have caught Malone with some problems in his injection story timeline.
Also, Diana West's "Robert Malone A Risk Analysis" is worth a read, especially her comments on infiltration and subverted opposition.
Found this question at Tereza Corragio's substack: Last, a question: with Malone and Kennedy, who controls who? Is Steve Kirsch’s superPAC for Kennedy’s run for President a way of keeping him on a leash?
You can blame vaccine immunity on Ronald Reagan. I once thought he was a great president, I don’t think so now. Lots of other sinister things about his administration, check out the approval of aspartame for one. It seems they all become corrupt or are blackmailed once they get into office. The only savior I have is Jesus Christ. Looking forward to His return.
Sorry but the Kennedy's made sure it got to his desk. This family is corrupt and live in a completely different world than you or me.
They are all corrupt. When people realize that you dontt trust any of them. 5% of politicians will try to do things right but fail to expose the 95% either because they are threatened or blackmailed or love money and power.
Remember Watergate where Nixon forced to resigned. They don't do that now. Why not ? Was Jeffrey Epstein central to that happening where politicians blatantly lie corrupt police cover up media lies and documents ae falsified but nothing happens. No jail to them. Blackmail huge.
The way to test credibility is fish them all out.
I was following Malone from the start. I started getting uneasy with such a large amount of I’s & me’s. Then the 25m lawsuit dropped. Sunlight is a great disinfectant. Malone is ALL about Malone. I followed Steve Kirsch early too. He’s done good things, is there a but?
Malone is all about Malone and Trump is all about Trump.
Perfectly stated.
As are many others.
In fact, the altruism is but a mirage.
Steve has put in a great amount of time and money to stop the clot shots.
President Trump like most Americans is a victim of the illegal Dr. Mengele Fraudci clot shot scam. They lied to him too. When he tried to discuss repurposed drugs to help save American lives he was attacked savagely by the usual suspects.
Dr. Fraudci was heavily involved in stopping any inexpensive drug that would interfere with EUA and sole power to distribute the clot shots under EUA.
Genocide #2 for fraudci, aids was his 1st. Same plan, banned effective therapeutics & killed with azt for $$
Sunlight the forgotten natural medicine that Florence Nightengale used but ignored in the UK in favor of lockdowns and fining people outdoors in the sunlight and hiding elderly in care homes with masks no sunshine and midazolin. Ah the hypocrisy of medicine.
I am no longer affiliated with any party, but will vote for Kennedy based solely on Covid, medical tyranny and the fact that he is not afraid to go after corporations who loot and pollute the environment. We are still using Roundup??? around the world, not to mention other chemicals in farming, and this needs to stop. We all need clean water.
Thanks for voting for the alternative means of control, energy. Kennedy is a Gorebull Warmer and having your energy controlled isn't much different from having your health controlled. Don't be a sucker.
Oh so you want to move on from the ChiCom virus masters to their second iteration with Global Warming / climate change. Welcome to the new boss, same as the old boss.
No thanks.
Do no harm has to be ethics of government politicians and police not just doctors.
The deepstate will never let RFKJr win the primary.
Biden will never be Anti-vax... so all of this is nonsense.. TL,DR;
All to distract us from staying focused on getting JUSTICE for the bioweapons release. Covid was a bioweapon developed in North Carolina. The shots were a bioweapon pushed by the DoD under both Trump and Biden. now what? RFKJr? Malone? who cares. no one person will save us.
Yeah but will China will let RFK jr win because of his crazy climate ideas that will benefit them and hurt Americans.
China and their cheating machines pull the strings on winners and losers. Lol.
China is a distraction. Our enemy is Tyranny. It's right here in the US. They use China as a patsy, when they know the Tyranny is straight from the US.
Dr. Alexander, I hold you in the highest regard and have supported you via a paid subscription since you first appeared on Substack. The cross currents and apparent misinformation campaign on our side of the Covid Plandemic is very troubling. I have been an ardent follower of all of the people mentioned in your post and in the Breggins article and find it extremely difficult to parse the good from the bad. I cannot for the life of me figure out how Kirsch and Kennedy are anything but pure of heart and spend every waking moment trying to expose the darkness that we all know pervades this earth. Malone certainly has questionable issues in his past and could certainly be deep state but I struggle to place him squarely in that camp. I will contine to look to you to expose the truth and wish you God's Speed.
Steve Kirsch seems legitimate. He seems to have been fooled like many to take the vaccines and regrets it and wants to make wrongs right.
Paul and all,
Outraged Human’s substack has quite the deep dive on Malone with links for those who want TRUTH on that nightmare!
Kirsch…NOT sure about him because of being dumped from his substack for a month for talk of the need for UNITY of the Right side IF YOU WANT TO WIN which has NOT happened! ALL so bizarre!
Kennedy…a democrat! NOT pro life? If not, am running for the hills as am sick and tired of all the death and destruction of BIOTERRORISM Theatre AND now abortions in some areas allowed up to 9 months! Also, the democrat party is the CCP! Might want to tell Kennedy!
Breggins…sincere, God loving persons who want to work towards restoring our Freedoms!
Who the hell would hang around any nut jobs wanting to sue them for 25 million?
My Sunday reflection on the RIGHT side of America…a holy, holy mess that visibly does not give a damn about what Freedom means!!!
For EVERYONE today with any critical thinking brain cells left…
Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting
Power and Control. It is present in all endeavors. In the Health Freedom movement it is clearly happening. What is the end game? Supression of all things counter to the push to inject and experiment on the human race could account for Dr. Malone's voice being muffled in 2020?. They destroyed Luc Montagnier in 2020! The DOD/CIA bio exercise has trumped all else. Is there light at the end of the medical propaganda tunnel? Is RFK Jr. the path to stopping the injections? Is that what Kirsch and Malone see? Does Dr. Malone have his sight on revamping the CDC? Take it down to the studs and remake it? Billions and billions are being invested to make the mRNA route the new disease treatment route for the 21st century. The push back to those who want it stopped will be relentless. Clearly, the mass phycosis was preplanned and implemented by manipulating the media and gas lighting the public. Why he is on the dark side on this needs to be explained. Is he walking a tight rope for reasons not known? One mRNA insider has expressed that we have been injecting horses, dogs and hogs without adverse effects for years. Is it true.? The animals can't tell us. I do not know, but the injection of humans is raising RED flags and no one is listening. It is full steam ahead to have the FDA approve more mRNA injections for a variety of diseases. The profit motive trumps good medicine and has intensified over the last 30 years.
Pantheon is with the CiA. Thermo Fischer caught giving DNA to Chinese who were collecting it EpwHy and what reason to take people's DNA. Covid tests great for that
I couldn’t vote for Kennedy because he’s a climate change fanatic.
Show me the evidence on that. He is an environmentalist, anti-pollution, anti Monsanto, etc. But he is not a carbon or global warming acolyte.
If you are really interested in RFK Jr’s own words, Search Twitter. Use the Wayback Machine. I can’t post links here, but his Tweets haven’t yet been scrubbed.
Kennedy praised the lockdowns for the beneficial effect on pollution. While in Germany, he called for jailing ppl who dare voice dissent on Climate Change. The man is a fanatic. He is an elite and a hypocrite.
He commented on the change in pollution, which we noticed too as did many around the world. But in no way he advocated for lockdowns to continue. He has talked in many interviews about the complete devastation of the lockdowns to humanity.
Their past rhetoric indicates true motives many times.
Why can't links be posted here? Even if they won't open for some reason, we could copy them down and type them in.
Air pollution linked to vehicle exhaust from gas/diesel vehicles!!!
He liked covid lockdowns and he’s the type to want a WEF climate lockdown because of pollution/gasoline vehicles!
That tweet is about concerns over weakening government regulations on emissions and worsening of air quality compared to conditions before the lockdown. "A Dirty Economic Restart." Again, it is the nuance, not the extremist interpretation of these words. For example, if we had spent time on making more economic hybrid battery gasoline engine cars during the "pandemic" and incentivizing those rather than pushing electric only cars, so much more good could have been accomplished for the environment. For example, that is the position Toyota has been taking as they don't buy into the all in vision of electric vehicles.
RFK Jr. is all in to replace the ChiCom Virus lockdowns with global warming lockdown. He has a book out about his global warming/climate change globalist solution.
Yeah. He’s a leftist lunatic.
He is just another democrat that will kill oil and bring us $10 gallon gas. China is already making power moves on the petro dollar.
JFKJr's on book Fauci and COVID measures criticized lockdowns heavily and was banned off of Amazon. He talked about this in the announcement speech this week. He is not supportive of lockdowns as a solution to anything.
I saw that. There's a new video on YouTube about Toyota being guided by what their customers want. So refreshing to see.
Three months ago he posted a comment on his CHD site saying that carbon was an existential threat to the planet:
"the carbon which now poses an existential threat to our planet."
He supports the Green New Deal
He's a global warming/climate change hoax fanatic.
Even Mark Crispin Miller, who used to believe in it, has since changed his stance in light of new evidence. But not Kennedy.
His main thrust here seems to be contamination and pollution. But he will clearly get drawn into debate on the climate science, hopefully in a good way. I don't see him as a fanatic but someone who needs to hear more from other climate scientists and scholars on long cycle earth eras of cooling and warming that could be spuriously correlated with any current century trends in warming. I don't think he is advocating for social credit on climate in any way as are the globalists. Nor banning gas stoves or closing nuclear plants or mandating 15 minute cities for example. The views are far more nuanced. Interestingly we are hearing so much more on the complete lack of evidence that we are in a warming phase or that the poles are warming, they are cooling again apparently. Thanks for the link Sandra.
Gorebull Warmers say pollution and include carbon. Get over it and stop being fooled.
I'm not one of those people. I do support the work of Randall Carlson, Robert Schoch and colleagues on the history of earth geological cycles, solar and celestial activity and historical catastrophism. From those perspectives human carbon has nothing to do with earth climate fluctuations. Carbon has nothing to do with pollution.
I wish more people followed the work of Randall Carlson and Robert Schoch--their information is fascinating. And I certainly wish more knew about historical catastrophism.
Hopefully the Breggins do not settle out of court and go ahead with the case so that they get tons of Discovery on Malone and RFK jr !!!!
How anyone who supports abortion can be described as moral is a mystery.
I have little doubt that Kennedy would happily lock us all into 15 minute cities in an ignorant, malevolent and ultimately deadly attempt to achieve Net Zero gas emissions. We need more C02, not less.
I’m sick unto death of hypocrites and elites. Kennedy is both.
It's very sad when you teach your children morals and the woke propaganda in schools uses hypocrisy and lies to destroy good moral principles. This woke mind set is needed for control.
The problem is everyone has been over analyzing the whole covid debacle. The virus circulated since Oct of 2019. It was spreading long before the fear started. The Chinese tried to link 47 deaths to a mysterious pathogen in a country of over a billion. Foolhardy. The PCR test by Drosten is peer reviewed 1 day which is impossible to do. Canadian Military made sick in Wuhan military games so more might be involved then just a virus. Microwaves at the military can make you sicker. Ask the Havana syndrome diplomats about that. Vombine that with a flu virus or cold and bang...sicker.
The vaccine is started based on 47 cases. They used ventilators right away that killed for SARS 1. Not a good approach then for a virus that shares same similar genomes as SARS 1. . Were the Chinese citizens getting MRNA covid vaccine in late 2019 masquerading as the flu shot?
Smart brains ask serious questions. First covid cases from Wuhan directly to Canada late January 2020 is mild. Unless fear was used these cases would never have been tested or known. They would have stayed home a day or continued like we did with cold viruses. Went to work.
FEAR Killed. Ventilators KILLED. Experimental drugs like rendesivir KILLED. Denial of antibiotics KILLED or the delay KILLED. Any good doctors like to tell how if you are delayed antibiotics it can go to the kidneys and become sepsis. SO delaying treatment because of fear and closed doctors offices killled not a deadly virus or euthanasia of patients killed by upping the medication. Let's face it we know doctors have killed patients pre covid by upping medication. Don't hide that fact. We know midazolam used to kill. Midazolam causes respiratory distress which is perfect cover for a respiratory virus claim.
Let's focus on the real issues instead of back stabbing credibility of experts and not over analyze. Relax take a breath and focus on all that ranspired. The data exposed influenza B causing same covid symptoms but since ventilators not pushed before the fear people survived . No denial of antibiotics either. Doctors offices open and people living normally with colds and Flu,
Let's use common sense. Only 47 cases in China with over a billion people yet its been spreading for months and a vaccine is conveniently started right away for 47 cases. Anyone want to buy a BRAIN. A pcr test that can't detect infectious is peer reviewed in one day that will set the stage for cases cases cases that are mild from the very epi center Wuhan and many no symptoms based on this test that the chinese provided.
A novel coronavirus with fake people dropping dead in China yet run everyone to get a novel vaccine for that novel coronavirus they know nothing about. Sounds smart.,.No way. Intelligence reigns Supreme.
Dr. Paul Alexander,
After All Of Your Wailing About Dr. Robert Malone,
If You Cannot Present A Testable Hypothesis
Then You Owe Robert A Public Apology.
Full Stop.
Otherwise You Will Continue To Have Achieved:
You Will Have Contributed Nothing To One Of The Most Important Events In Human History. Including The Very Comprehension Of It.
I strongly disagree with you, @Thomas Lewis. At this point, the Democratic Party has become the Communist Party of America, which espouses hate toward the foundation of this country and supports her destruction to no end. If RFK, JR is a decent patriot, he should leave the Democratic Party immediately. Anything less is a proof he is hopeless.
Let me repeat: After the 2020 election frauds committed by Democrats en masse, anyone who does not denounce Democratic Party is a traitor.
Agreed that the Democratic Party as it stands and as it is in complete decline, thorough corruption, and in complete destruction mode must go. They betrayed their base and the entire country. RFKJr would be its last hope to take it back to earlier roots and to a modern centrism, simpler smaller federal government, breaking up of corporate control over government, and complete support of the US Constitution.
You don't understand.
Mr. LEWIS is a proud COMMUNIST.
Just read his background to understand where he comes from.
Like your name. See Glen Backs rant on TV with respect to corruption before your eyes and ignored.
Thank you for that Thomas Lewis. From someone with greatest respect for Dr. Alexander, RFKJr, Dr. Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch and the Breggins. As the Kennedy24 tagline recommends: Heal The Divide.
My greatest wish is that Dr. Alexander's many talents are focused on being part of the solutions going forward.
Bob Malone has talked in many interviews about his wonderment and surprise that the mRNA products went on in deep development long after he lost control of the patents and resurfaced during COVID as a vaccine platform. As a scientist he assumed that many of the initial problems might have been solved. Enough to take the vaccine himself. He learned the hard way, with his own health jeopardized, that was not the case. I can understand how the inventor in him might have hoped that some other gifted groups of scientists might have innovated improvements long past his involvement in the deep past. I can understand too how seriously disappointed, outraged and disgusted he must be to have discovered that all ethics, safety, and warnings in the past were ignored by the DOD & NIH & pharma funders of the modern mRNA construct.
Dr. Alexander please reach out to Dr. Malone and to RFKJr for a private conversation and resolve your concerns in that manner rather than playing out personal conflicts on Substack and Twitch where so many assumptions and incorrect understanding of the details and timelines are being amplified.
Dr. Alexander you are doing great work in your discussions with Dr. JJ Couey on the purified infectious clones construct and how that might have been implemented and explain a lot of disparate phenomena including how every theorist out there is just a little bit right and a little bit wrong. Your conversations on that angle are riveting and brilliant. That would be the rabbit hole I would choose to pursue.
It's important to call out disparities and anomalies which remains within the Malone camp.
Except that I find that a lot of claimed "disparities" are not in fact true, and are misinterpretations or misrepresentations of the timeline or lack of diving deep into the text and speech of Dr. Malone's background. I see too many errors being made by so many of the folks wanting to see something dark and sinister.
Yes Malone had his eyes opened to the horrors of how MRNA technology was being used. That's simple to realize. He helped invent it. But look at what happened. Can people focus on true human behavior.
"Their purpose appears to have been twofold: firstly, to get us to lay off criticizing Robert Malone, even though he’s the one suing and attacking us, and secondly, to stop us from talking about the Kennedy/Malone relationships. "
Nice little trick. What came first, the personal attacks, or the lawsuit. Yet, this wording implies otherwise. If the Breggins had not personally attacked Malone, there would be no lawsuit.
"We believe if Malone had broadcast that information any time after January 2020, it would have been picked up by the press and potentially prevented millions of COVID vaccine injuries and deaths that continue to emerge today."
Utter nonsense and shame on anyone promoting this fantasy. When Malone went public he was absolutely attacked by the media and anyone who was talking to him was also attacked (i.e. Joe Rogan). Dr Yeadon came out very early in 2020 saying that the vaccines were going to be dangerous and there was no need for them. As former C-level Pfizer exec you would think he would have garnered some media attention? Nothing. Nada.
For Breggins to assert that Malone saying something in 2020 would amount to anything is pathetic revisionism and fantasy.
I also find it stunningly naive for people to claim an inventor of something 20 years prior will be privy to inside knowledge of the details of derivatives of that invention despite 20 years of advancement and changes. Again, there seems to be a big break from reality here.
This still looks like an academic dispute over the psychology of totalitarianism and a bunch of hurt egos trying to stake a permanent claim over a newer grass roots movement which is reacting to the public health disaster of the prior 3 years.
big egos and personal attacks. Very sad on all counts TBH.
Remember when leaked dooccumts in Europe outed harms from the vaccine early on. No one cared or listened.